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I couldn't help looking around the beautiful castle we walked into. The sultan didn't follow us saying he wanted to walk around the shops a little before returning, but the princes came back with us over to the castle.

When we walked into a huge hall where a huge oak door stood a woman ran over bowing to the prince barely sparing us a glance.

"Welcome back my princes," she said smiling up at them brightly

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"Welcome back my princes," she said smiling up at them brightly.

"Take these girls Afife hatun" prince Mustafa ordered with a small smiled moving to the side to show her us, we were around five girls all huddled together. I could see Ferial peaking out from behind her almost letting out a yell when she saw me but she settled for a huge grin.

"Of course my prince" she bowed again as the princes walked away. I couldn't help but look at them as they walked away, more specifically the one that gave me water, when he also turned around to look at me I averted my gaze away to look at Ferial who ran over pulling me in for a hug.

After a week Mihrimah sultan who I learned was prince Mustafa's half-sister and prince Mehmed's full sister came to the harem to choose girls who will go with prince Mehmed to the Sanjak.

She walked in with all the confidence a sultana should have, it was like the air around her screamed confidence. She looked at the girls like a hawk some even trembled under her gaze and some even stumbled a little.

When she reached me I refused to even look her in the eyes wanting her to leave already. She didn't, she reached over forcing my chin up making me look her in the eyes, I almost reached over and slapped her right then and there but held it in not wanting to get in trouble.

"I like this one" she nodded turning around to look at Sunbul agha. I wanted to protest but held it in as Sunbul's tight grip circled my arm pulling me to the side with the other two girls who were chosen. As she continued walking I couldn't help but glare at the back of her head wanting nothing but to jump on her and rip her apart for choosing me.

Ferial was chosen too, she immediately ran over to me holding my arm as if I was her shield and I knew I was, Ferial wasn't the strongest of girls neither physically or mentally.

"That's it" Mihrimah sultan said before leaving the harem. Everyone bowed to her except me using all of my strength not to jump on her and strangle her.

"Come on, go prepare your things you'll be leaving tomorrow early in the morning" Sunbul ordered us. Prepare ourselves? Don't make me laugh all we own was the dress we had on and one exactly the same and our white sleepwear with some under clothing.

That night I couldn't sleep all night thinking of a way to run away from this madness and somehow find a way back home. Maybe on the way, I could escape and find a job to earn money so I can get back home someway.

I put on the black headscarf I was given over my hair. I almost screamed at them that I was Christian and don't need it but Ferial stopped me in time. I swear if it wasn't for her I would've been headless by now.

I heard that the legendary Hürrem sultan was kidnapped and no one knew where she was. Weird they were almost living their lives normally here.

We walked out to what looked like a garden where around four carriages were waiting for us and our stuff. I made sure to get in last so I can sit beside the door on the journey.

I waited for why it seemed like a whole day, when I saw that the sun was setting I placed my stuff down and looked at the sleeping girls beside me and took that opportunity and opened the door trying not to make a sound.

This will be dangerous with the carriage moving but I have to do it for my family. I took a deep breath before taking the leap and jumping out of the carriage.

I heard someone scream as I landed somehow a little gracefully with only a little stumble. I looked up to see the guards looking at me as the prince turned his horse around, without thinking twice I bolted into the forest beside the road we were taking.

I could hear horses following after me so whenever I saw a smaller way I would take it and as more and more trees build up around me I could hear the horses getting further away having trouble running after me with all of the branches.

Just when I thought I was in the safe a bourse leaped in front of me letting out a loud neigh scaring me half to death making me fall back. I looked up at the horse to see a smirking prince on it. I glared up at him as I stood up again just some of the guards reached us from behind on foot.

"You should be ashamed hatun" one of the guards growled stalking over to me ready to slap me but was stopped by the prince who raised his hand. He handed the reins to the same guard before getting off of his horse and walking over to me.

"Come with me," he said shaking his head. Out of curiosity, I followed after him till we were out of earshot where none of his guards could hear us even his personal ones.

"Now tell me, why do you want to run away?" He asked holding his hands behind his back looking a little intimidating.

"I want to go back to my family" I answered back harshly holding my heated glare to his face.

"And why's that?" He asked. Is he stupid? Why would a person want to be with their family?

"Because they're my family. Wouldn't you try to go back to them if you were kidnapped?" I asked a little louder trying to get my point through.

"I'm different" he answered back. How could I forget?

"Yeah you're a prince while I'm nobody, right? Is that how you really see none royals?" I asked angrily. He stalked over to me stopping only inches away from my face.

"Watch the way you speak to me hatun," he said angrily almost growling. That streaked a little bit of fear inside of me but I won't give him the satisfaction of seeing that.

"What will you do if I don't?" I asked cockily. He growled and like something snapped inside of him he smashed his lips to mine as a way to shut my smart mouth.

I couldn't help but freeze widening my eyes as he pulled away and looked at me with an emotion I couldn't read.

"Get back to the carriage" I couldn't do anything other than obey. Just as I started walking I finally felt the sharp pain in my leg making me lose my balance and fall to the floor with a pained yelp.

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly kneeling down in front of me.

"I'm fine" I stood up trying hard not to show him my pain. He took a step closer to look at my leg but I pushed him away not caring that he was a prince. I walked away holding in my pain as I got back into the carriage. Just before the doors could close I saw him looking at me with a smile on his face while shaking his head as he rode to the front to lead us back on track.

"Can we get a break?" I couldn't help but ask from the window. I could hear him let out a small laugh from the front. I sat back straight with a small smile. What was that Othman prince doing to me?

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