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"So we're going back to Manesa?" I asked happily. Mehmed nodded took Abdullah from me to look at him a little more.

"Mommy" I looked beside me at Hurrem who was sitting on the couch. I walked over and sat down in front of her.

"What is it, honey?" I asked. I watched as her eyes trailed down to my necklace.

"Mommy, I want jewelwy like you," she said

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"Mommy, I want jewelwy like you," she said. I smiled as her words were still broken on some letters.

"When you can pronounce your r right I'll get you a whole box of jewelry" I promised her. I picked her up and sat her down on my lap and littered her face with kissed making her giggle.

"Okay okay mommy I won't ask again" she giggled getting out of my arms and running to her room where Mustafa was.

"I don't want her to grow up so fast" I whined turning to face Mehmed who only chuckle and handed me, Abdullah.

"Get ready for our departure," he said kissing my forehead before leaving. As I was fixing my headscarf a maid walked in.

"Prince Mehmed is asking for you in the stables" I raised my eyebrows in confusion. I made sure Ferial and another maid who was called Samra were with the kids before leaving with the maid. When we reached the stables she left me and went back to the castle. I felt like this was suspicious but continued on anyway.

A hand shot out and pulled me into the stables making gasp and I was about to scream when a hand clasped around my mouth as the person held me from behind.

"It's me" I sighed when I heard Mehmed's voice. I turned around glaring at him but he only smashed his lips on to mine taking my breath away. I held his face as our lips moved against each other and his wrapped around my waist.

"What was that for?" I asked panting as we drew back from one another

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"What was that for?" I asked panting as we drew back from one another.

"I wanted to taste your lips one last time before we go home. I won't be seeing you for hours" he kissed me one last time before we both left the stables with our arms linked together.

When we got to the garden I bowed to Hurrem sultan and Mihrimah sultan bidding them farewell and I got into the carriage where the children were already at with Ferial.

Hurrem and Mustafa were sitting together on one side while I and Ferial were on the other with Abdullah in Ferial's lap.

"Mommy how long until we reach home?" Mustafa asked. Here we go again.

"Two days max but we will be camping in a couple of hours" I promised sinking down in my seat.

In like seven hours we stopped as the sun begun to set. The guards ran around putting up a tent for me and Mehmed, a tent for the children and some maids for protection and a tent for the guards. And a tent for the extra maids. It was chaotic for like an hour before everything was settled down, the mattresses were rolled on the floor and ready to be used and there was even a desk in Mehmed's room in case he wanted to work.

"Come with me, love" Mehmed pulled me deeper into the forest. I remembered where this was.

"You chose this spot" I pointed out making him chuckle. He raised his hand making his guards and my maids stop as we continued walking together alone.

"I kissed you here for the first time," he said stopping. I nodded as I looked around watching as the fresh air moved the tree leaves.

He leaned down and kissed my lips taking my breath away. He didn't stop kissing and pulled me closer. I let my hands wander up to his hair letting my finger ruin the perfectly combed hair.

"We should stop" I whispered pulled away. He shook his head and continued kissing my lips. He moved his lips to my neck as he pulled my cloak off.

I groaned trying to hold in my screams as we both finished. Mehmed had me against the tree which I was sure my back now was bleeding because of.

"We need to get back before they think something wrong," Mehmed said. I pulled down the dress that was now around my waist. I pulled on my cloak and put on my headscarf as Mehmed fixed himself.

We walked back to the camp and went straight to our tent where the maids prepared a bath for us. We shared the tub which ended in another round of lovemaking before both went to bed after bidding our children goodnight.

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