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I sighed dreamily as I let my hands brush through my hair that I had pulled to the side. I looked at my self on the body mirror in front of me wearing only a simple white sleep dress.

I smiled as hands circled around my waist and settled on my stomach as a head leaned against my shoulder.

"I can not wait for you to bare me a child and bring a mixture of you and me to this world," Mehmed said kissing the side of my head.

"You and me both my prince," I said leaning against him and placed my hands over his holding them tightly.

It's been a little over two months since me and the prince confessed to each other and I came to terms that I would never see my family ever again. I still miss them but I knew that there was no way for me to be able to reach them or send them anything that'll tell them that I am alive and well.

"I want to change your name, you have already become a Muslim and I want you to have a new name for you have been born again," he said turning me around fast making me gasp and place my hands on his chest to steady myself.

"I will be called whatever you please my prince and I shall die being called whatever you please," I said leaning my forehead against his.

"Turhan," he said making me grin and kiss him heatedly. He pulled me so close I thought we were gonna melt into one. His grip on my waist was so tight I'm sure it would bruise later but I did not mind.

One of his hands ran down to my thigh and pulled up my dress letting his fingers touch the skin there as shivers ran down my spine at his touch. He pushed me away from the mirror and towards the bed making me stumble on and look at him as he took off his shirt.

I pushed myself back until my back hit the pile of pillows and laid down on them as he climbed over me and leaned down attacking my neck without a second thought. His hand ran up my thigh for the second time pulling up my dress again and placed his hand over my thigh squeezing it tightly making me gasp, he took this opportunity to place his tongue in my mouth.

His other hand went up to the front of my dress and started undoing the buttons but they seemed to be none ending so he just ripped it open, I arched my back letting out chests rub against each other as he continued to kiss me.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

I grinned as I walked into the harem holding the shredded dress in my hands so I can change when I reached my room. All of the girls looked at me with jealousy as I passed by feeling pride that the prince chose to love me and not one of them who only wanted him because he was a prince.

I looked at Ferial who was watching me with her mouth agape at the sight of the shredded dress. But before I could say anything I felt a wave of dizziness hit me and the next thing I knew I was on the floor as everting turned black and the girls ran over to aid me screaming for the doctor.

I opened my eyes to see that I was in my own room with a doctor beside pulling away the stick with an awful smell which I was sure was the reason I woke up.

"What happened?" I asked hoarsely. She patted my hand and helped me sit upon my bed. Just then the doors burst open and Mehmed ran in with Ferial trailing in behind him, I knew immediately that it was her who told him what happened.

"What's wrong with her?" Mehmed asked sitting down beside me and taking my small hands into his bigger ones looking at me with a worried gaze. I felt my heart flutter at how much he cared for me.

"All is good your highness," she said smiling brightly at him.

"Then why did she faint?" Mehmed asked looking up at her as she started to pack her stuff into her bag.

"Your favorite is pregnant" I gasped and looked Mehmed who grinned happily at me. He told everyone to leave and to send for the capita immediately.

When we were alone again he pulled me in for a tight hug and then into a passionate kiss taking my breath away.

"I love you so damn much," Mehmed said placing his forehead on mine as we both panted from the force of the kiss he just placed on my lips.

"I love you too," I said grinning happily at him pulling him in for yet another passionate kiss, but this time around he pushed me down on my bed and got on top of me. We both knew how back we were with words so we both preferred to show each other how much we loved each other instead.

His kisses trailed down my neck as he whispered how much he loved me and how happy he was that his first child will be from me and that he did not care if it was a girl or a boy. I wanted a boy to make him happy but whatever Allah sends I will love and cherish forever.

MY PRINCE| MAGNIFICENT CENTURY| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now