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"Push sultana" I let out an ear-piercing scream as pain shot through my body like an arrow on fire.

"That's it, sultana," the midwife said popping up from between my legs before going back down. I screamed yet again as Lim shot through me.

I was waiting for Mehmed's voice to break through mine demanding an entrance. To my surprise it did, maybe I was hallucinating after seven hours of hard labor or maybe he came as an angel to support me through my labor.

"Mehmed" I whispered frozen for a second. I watched as the doors opened but before I could see who it was I felt a sharp pain and let out a scream closing my eyes praying for the pain to just go away but I knew it was far from over.

I reopened my eyes and looked beside me to see Mehmed standing beside me. I just started ignoring everyone around me and watched as he reached out and pushed back my hair from my sweaty forehead.

"You can do it Turhan," he said. I closed my eyes in bliss as I heard him say my name one more time when I thought I would never hear him anymore or feel his touch ever again. I reopened them and looked at him but he was gone and in his place stood Hurrem sultan who was looking at me worriedly.

"Mehmed" I whispered devastated but I didn't have time to think through this as I pushed as hard as I can. It felt like I didn't have power over my body anymore and that it just wanted that baby out of me. I knew that if this baby didn't come out soon I could die, he or she could die and I didn't want the latter to happen. This child is Mehmed's last gift to me and I will work hard to cherish it.

"Perfect sultana, keep on pushing" the midwife encouraged not even bothering to look at me as she worked hard to help me deliver this baby.

I screamed imagining Mehmed by my side holding my hand as I birthed our baby, it has always been his dream to join me as I bought a new life to the world but never got the chance to. I sighed as all of the pressure was gone and relief flooded through my body. I smiled lightly as the screams of a baby echoed around the room taking place instead of mine from earlier.

A tear left my eye as the placed the baby in my arms for a moment before he or she was whisked away from me to be cleaned and checked out.

I didn't remember the whole process of cleaning me and the room up. I looked up from the covers to the side of the room where I felt movement. Mehmed stood there watching me with a smile on his lips. I was alone in the room so it didn't really matter to me if anyone saw me from claiming that I was going crazy.

He walked closer to me almost too slowly which tortured me to no end but I didn't dare complain scared he would disappear again.

"You did well my Turhan," he said taking my hand into his and kissed the top of it before placing it back down on the bed. I couldn't help the tears that started to stream down my face.

"I miss you" I whispered reaching out for him. He took my outstretched hand and intertwined it with his own.

"I miss you too" he leaned down and kissed my lips one last time. My head snapped to the side as the doors opened to see Ferial walk in with a white bundle in her arms. I looked to the side to see that Mehmed was gone. This was the last time I will see him and I knew that but it didn't hurt me as much anymore, I told him what I wanted to and I heard him one last time, felt his lips one last time.

"Take care of my son" I heard a whisper which made me smile and wipe away the tears from my face and opened my arms for the baby to be placed in them.

"Give me the prince" I ordered Ferial. She walked over and placed him in my arms.

"How did you know it was a boy?" She asked confused. I looked up at her with a smile which was the first one in months.

"Mother instinct" I shrugged and turned back to the baby in my arms. He looked back up at me with wonder in his eyes. He looked exactly like Mehmed but I found peace with it and instead of wallowing in the pain I found the better side of it, this way I will always be able to see him beside me.

"May Allah gives you a long life my baby" I whispered leaning down and kissed his forehead

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"May Allah gives you a long life my baby" I whispered leaning down and kissed his forehead. The doors opened again and the royal family walked in for the naming of the baby.

I handed him to the sultan who I could see had tears in his eyes but was holding them back. I covered my head and watched as the sultan prayed in his ear before he named him.

"Your name will be Mehmed" I smiled sadly at Hurrem sultan who burst into tears and was being comforted by her daughter, Mihrimah sultan.

The sultan walked over and placed the baby in my arms. To my shock, he kissed my forehead as if I was his own daughter which made me smile and feel happiness inside of me. I finally felt at peace since Mehmed's sickness and death. I will finally be able to be a better and worthy mother. Now my only job was the keep my children safe and sound from the world and the people around us.

"Welcome to the world my beautiful Mehmed" I whispered lowly to my darling boy.

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