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I looked at Sunbul Agha who walked into my room with a lot of harem aghas. I knew that they thought I would resist much but to his shock, I didn't and let him pull me out of my room. I let the maids dress me up in a white wedding dress.

I walked into the harem with my head held high. I could see Hurrem sultan and Mihrimah sultan standing on the balcony from Hurrem sultan's room.

I turned around to face her with a half glare. It was her fault my life was ruined and no else.

"You want to control everything here sultana" I started glaring up at her. I could see that she was almost mad at me and rolled her eyes at me.

"But what you don't notice is that you are destroying the people around you even the ones you love" I continued taking in deep breaths as pains started to rise in my chest.

"You are no longer a human. No, you are a minster Hurrem sultan" I said before choking and coughing. I covered my mouth as I coughed and when I pulled it away there was blood on my hand.

"I will be joining my beloved Mehmed before you marry me off to some old man," I said looking up at her as I coughed even more not caring that the red blood was now falling on my dress and staining the silk material.

"But either way, I forgive you" I whispered but I knew she heard me from the silence that fell around the harem.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head as my body cake crashing down on the floor causing pain to run through it.

It was like a trigger as the screams started around me and people were running all around me but I gave them no mind as I memories flooded my head.

When I met Mehmed and he saved me from the slave market. When I tried to escape which resulted in our first kiss. When he made love to me for the first time. When I birthed every single one of our children and how happy he would be when he would hold them.

I remember when one of them would wake up from a nightmare how Mehmed would let them sleep in between us and hold the both of us as we slept like a human shield.

Dear my beautiful Hurrem

I know that you may not remember me but I am your mother. I am the woman who selfishly yet selflessly left you. I had no choice but to leave, I couldn't betray your father like that no matter what.

Forgive me for I did not mean to cause you more pain than your delicate body could handle.

I love you so much that if I could relive my life this way I would do it over and over again even with the pain just to see your beautiful face again.

I and your father loved you dearly and even more than your brothers for you were out first child and the apple of your father's eye. He loved you and spoiled you to no end that I feared you would end up being a bad person and tried to teach you otherwise.

I love you my darling flower.

Your mother, Turhan Sultan, Shehzade Mehmed's legitimated wife. Shehzade Mehmed's true love

I smiled as the pain slowly subsided and relief started to fill my body letting me relax my tense muscles. I was sat up into the arms of prince Beyazid who loved me dearly and even more than his own sister. He had tears streaming down his face as he spoke.

"First Mehmed and now you too" he whispered. It broke my heart to see the handsome prince cry so sad but I had to.

Dear my brave Mustafa

Forgive me. Forgive your mother for leaving you on such short notice. I know the pain of losing a parent let alone both for I felt it before.

I do not wish to hurt you but I made a promise to your father a long time ago, I would never let a man near me other than him and the only way out of this was what I did.

I love you so much my handsome boy never forget that. Remember the beautiful memories and forget the bad ones and that will be my last wish of you my darling boy.

I love you my brave Shehzade.

Your mother, Turhan Sultan, Shehzade Mehmed's legitimate wife, Shehzade Mehmed's true love

"Don't go" I looked at him as a tear left my eye. I was leaving the most important people in my life back I promised and I never break promises.

"Mommy!" I turned to the side to see Mustafa running over to my body and falling to his knees beside me.

"Go, don't see me like this I don't want this to be your last memory of me my beautiful boy," I said raising my hand onto his cheek. He shook his head smudging the blood on my hand on his cheek before he was pulled away forcefully kicking and screaming.

"Take care of them"

Dear my smart and courageous Abdullah

I love you, my small boy. When you were born you were very chubby and I remember until this day how much I loved your chubby cheeks and kept squeezing them which made you really fuzzy and I found that really cute.

When I'd kiss your cheeks you would laugh loving the sound I would make and that would cause you dimples to pop up and show themselves to the world and I loved it to no end.

Forgive your foolish mother who fell in love with a man she knew would have to paths until the end of the road and he sadly went the wrong one by force and now I have to follow him.

I love you my genius darling.

Your mother, Turhan Sultan, Shehzade Mehmed's legitimate wife, Shehzade Mehmed's true love

"I will," Beyazid said in a broken voice as he started to rock me back and forth. Prince Selim came into my point of view and I knew how much he hated seeing blood and corpses but he was holding himself back for me, the woman that got him out of trouble so many times despite what he said or called me.

Prince Mustafa followed suit shouting for a doctor but I knew that it was too late even if a doctor came over right now.

I looked behind them to see Mihrimah crying with her hands on her mouth to cover her sobs. I loved them all very dearly even Hurrem sultan, they were my family after I was taken away from my original one.

I could see a person in white walk forward, a smile took over my face as Mehmed appeared in front of me. This was the first time I've seen all of sultan Süleyman's children in one place in years and I hated how they didn't meet again until Mehmed was on his death bed.

Dear my mysterious Mehmed

I did not get to watch you grow up or see your first footsteps nor hear your first word. You were born unlucky with an already deceased father who was soon followed by your mother.

I fear that my mistakes were thrown on you and you had to pay for my mistakes by living parentless for all of your precious life.

Just remember that I love you no matter what my darling boy and so does your father. Never leave your siblings and keep them all together and never let them separate from each other or you.

I love you, my peaceful baby.

Your mother, Turhan Sultan, Shehzade Mehmed's legitimate wife, Shehzade Mehmed's true love

"Are you ready?" Mehmed asked as he took my hand into his warm one. I looked down at Beyazid who cried over my now limp body. I could hear the cries of my children but there was no going back now. This wedding turned into a funeral because of fate and I really hope it's happy for ruining a happy family.

"Yes," he pulled me closer towards the light and let me walk through first before following me through.

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