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I ran into Mehmed's room seeing him sitting on his bed with his best friend Elias about to put a cloth on his wound but stopped when I burst in and stood up bowing to me glaring at me which I didn't give too much thought into it.

"Are you okay my love?" I asked sitting down beside him pulling out my own cloth from under my dress and placed it over the wound trying to stop the blood from flowing out of the wound.

"I'm fine you don't need to fuss over me," Mehmed said chuckling a little patting my hand. Elias excused himself and left forgetting his cloth behind.

I let Mehmed put pressure on his wound until the doctor arrived and wobbled over to the table picking up Elias's cloth about to give it to him but noticed that there was some red substance on it.

The doctor walked in and treated Mehmed's wound immediately covering it and putting on the needed medications but before he left I stopped him.

"Doctor, can you tell me what is this?" I asked earning Mehmed's attention from rolling down his sleeve and walked over to stand beside me looking at the cloth with a raised eyebrow as the doctor took it from me.

"This is Elias's cloth and I'm not sure what this green stuff on it is" I explained to Mehmed as the doctor smelled the cloth and pushed away from himself immediately.

"Your majesty this is blood but it is not the prince's blood," he said holding it away from all of us.

"What do you mean?" Mehmed asked the doctor looking confused.

"This blood is too dark to be from today and I need to examine it more, may I keep it?" The doctor asked. Mehmed nodded as the doctor ran over to a table and pulled out what he needed.

"Why would Elias have old blood?" I asked Mehmed who shrugged as his answer and placed his hand on my now nine months belly.

"How's our little one?" He asked rubbing my stomach affectionately smiling a little as the baby moved around a little.

"Allah protects us," the doctor said running over to the fire and threw the cloth in it and ran over to clean his hands.

"What's wrong?" Mehmed asked walking over to the doctor.

"Don't come closer my prince I am not safe anymore" the doctor yelled making us both freeze and stare at him in confusion.

"That was the blood of someone with smallpox your highness" I let out a gasp placing a hand over my mouth and the other on my swollen stomach.

"Elias was trying to kill me," Mehmed said realizing what was happening. I felt tears of fear build up in my eyes at the idea of Mehmed dying.

"What is he has already done something?" I asked worriedly. The doctors didn't waste any time and examined everyone including me and Mehmed.

I walked into my room and sat down on the couch pulling the bowl full of grapes holding it over my swollen belly.

I still couldn't believe everything that has happened in the last week, Mehmed insisted on taking the traitor to the capital and questioning him there but sadly on the way they were assigned and the traitor was killed so he won't give out any information.

Elias's last words were "be careful of her" but we still haven't figured out who this woman was that wanted to kill my love so badly.

"I still can't believe this," I said breaking the silence that was in the room.

"Me neither," Ferial said sitting down beside me. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my lower stomach making me gasp and sit up placing the grapes down on the table in front of me.

"What's wrong?" Ferial asked leaning over worriedly

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"What's wrong?" Ferial asked leaning over worriedly.

"I think I'm giving birth" I wheezed taking her hand in mine letting out a small scream as the pain worsened.

"Someone call the midwife" she yelled helping me up and over to the bed laying me down. I could hear running outside as one of the maids that stood at the door ran to get a midwife.

Minutes later three midwives ran in and started preparing their stuff around me.

"Make it stop" I cried to Ferial who wiped the sweat that started to form on my forehead with a wet cloth.

"Mehmed brings me Mehmed" I pleaded as I squeeze Ferial's hand as the midwife told me to push which I did with a loud scream.

"Open the door!" I heard Mehmed yell at the maid who refused and told him it was against customs for him to come in while I give birth.

"Mehmed!" I yelled as I pushed again feeling the worst pain I have ever in my entire life.

"I'm right here!" He yelled back as I took a deep breath and pushed again feeling my insides rip apart as the baby started coming out of me.

Many minutes later I was sat up on my bed with my daughter in between my arms. I was supposed to feel sad that I didn't bring a son but I found myself not caring as I looked down at the beautiful face of my daughter.

"Turhan, are you okay?" Mehmed asked walking over and sitting down beside me looking down at our daughter.

"How can I not be? You're here with me and so is our daughter" I said running my fingers on my daughter's head.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to give you a son"'I looked at Mehmed who only smiled at me

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"I'm sorry I wasn't able to give you a son"'I looked at Mehmed who only smiled at me.

"Son or daughter it doesn't matter to me as long as they're healthy," he said smiling brightly as me taking her from my arms. I almost wanted to protest but knew not to for her has to name her.

I put in the headscarf that was given to me by Ferial and looked at my loved holding our daughter in his arms whispering the Adan in her ear before naming her.

"Your name will be Hurrem," he said making me smile. I knew how much Mehmed missed his mother after her sudden disappearance.

Suddenly the doors burst open to show a harem agha panting and holding out a letter to Mehmed, he placed Hurrem in my arms and walked over taking the letter from the agha's hands who bowed and left the room.

"They found my mother"

MY PRINCE| MAGNIFICENT CENTURY| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now