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Mustafa clenched his fists tightly after he placed down the paper. He slammed his fist down on the table making it shake a little at the force.

They've made him hate her by telling him lies about her leaving him and his siblings to be with some man and he believed it. His precious mother was killed, he does not believe that what she did was suicide, no she didn't want to do it but was forced to by his grandparents.

He stalked over to the door and pulled it open almost breaking in the process. The maids at the door jumped in surprise and barely had to time to bow to him as he speed-walked out of the harem of his castle that he shared with his siblings.

After he turned seventeen he received a letter from an anonymous person who believes to be a loyal servant of his mother who promised to deliver the letter on his birthday.

"Prepare my horse" he ordered one of the aghas as he was being dressed into his outer clothes. The agha bowed and scrambled out not wasting a second after seeing the young prince's mood.

He climbed on his horse and kicked it to start running as fast as it could immediately. His guards were barely able to keep up with him as he rode faster and faster each passing seconds.

When he reached his destination he jumped up and off of the horse and walked into the castle through the marble clearing. He remembered as clear as the day when what they said was a pasha's funeral happened here but he wasn't stupid especially after the letter opened his eyes.

The funeral was a grand one only for a sultan of the royal family and his mother was married to his father so that made her part of the family and royalty. He stood in the imperial tower with his older sister and grandmother along with his aunt and all of his uncles' wives. He watched as a coffin was bought out which made everyone bow to it. There was no hat on it but a scared which meant it was a woman inside and that confused him as a kid and he believed that he understood wrong and it was a pasha's wife that died.

The guards opened the door when he reached them and stalked in angrily. Everyone got out of the way of the angry prince with confused looks on their faces.

When he reached the harem he ignored all of the fawning girls that jumped up to bow to him while trying to earn his attention by trying to be in the first line.

"My prince" he ignored Fahriye hatun who had just stepped out of his grandmother's room. Hurrem sultan jumped at the sound of the doors being slammed open and her grandson walking in and up the steps not bothering to bow to her.

"Leave us alone," he said trying to calm himself down before he killed someone. Afife hatun looked at his grandmother who nodded for her to leave.

"What's wrong my precious grandson" she has always refused to call him by his name when his grandfather wasn't around, he knew that she hated his name because of the person he shared it with. It was his uncle who he loved very very dearly.

"You killed her," he said breathing heavily from all of the running and riding he had to do. He could feel sweat run down his forehead but he didn't care at the moment, not a bit.

"Who?" His grandmother asked raising an eyebrow at him. He wanted to hit her so bad but he knew he couldn't, she was still his grandmother and a sultana.

"My mother, you forced her to take the poison," he said with a louder and harsher voice. She stood up feeling mad herself, not at him no but at the person who told him this nonsense and filled his head with lies.

"She took it on her own," she said back angrily. The doors behind him opened and his grandfather walked which made him and his grandmother bow to him.

"She took it on her own because of you. You wanted to marry her off and she had already promised my father to never let another man near her" he said taking a step closer to his grandmother but his grandfather pushed him back protectively.

"I won't let it slide like this, believe me, I will take revenge for my mother," he said storming off and down the steps. He wanted to take his anger out one way or another so for the first time in his life he went in disguise to the whore house. He wasn't allowed there and if his grandfather found out he would be as good as dead or banished but he didn't want the girls his grandmother sent, they were like snakes sent to spy on him so on his way he ordered the aghas to kick them all out and find him ones he could trust and they obeyed.

For the first time in his life, he spent a whole night outside of his castle. He didn't care that he was being too rough or if he was hurting the girl, she didn't complain as railed her so he didn't stop for hours.

As he laid in the filthy bed with a whore curled up in his arms panting hard as the sun started to rise again he woke up from his daze. He sat up and started to dress while the whore whined about not having had so much pleasure in so long and wanting him to do sinful things to her one last time before he leaves.

He knew he couldn't leave any evidence behind so he won't be found out. He turned around and started kissing the whore making her moan before gasping as the blade went into her body and straight into her body. She slumped against him dead but he didn't care, he pushed her off of him and onto the bed before leaving the whore house before anyone finds out.

When he got to his castle his sister was waiting for him with a worried look on her face. When he walked in she pulled him in for a hug before they both broke down into tears. Two of four letters has been sent.

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