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I walked in after the rest of the girls into the castle, it was smaller than the one we were in a while back but that didn't make it any less beautiful, in fact, I preferred this one more.

"Come on to the hmam girls" I groaned as the new chief hatun said. Her name was Hatice hatun and she was in charge of the harem here.

I walked into the hmam with the rest of the girls trying not to slip as we all found a spot to take a bath.

Why was I giving up? Why did I feel like this when the prince got close to me? Why did my heart skip a beat when he touched my shoulder when I fell? Hundreds no thousands of whys ran through my head making me a little dizzy.

After our shower, we all went to bed almost like dead people feeling tired as hell from all of the traveling we did. It took us almost a whole week to reach here.

The next day it seemed like Hatice hatun didn't care how tired and sore we were and made us start cleaning the castle and by the castle, I meant the whole thing.

"Shams and Samra follow me," Hatice hatun said hurriedly pulling us away from scrubbing the floors in the harem and out of there. On the way to wherever she wanted us to go, she made us bring two buckets of water and soap, each.

"This is the prince's room and I better see it sparkling," she said sharply before leaving. We both went to work immediately scrubbing the floor, cleaning the tables, changing the old candles, and changing the sheets.

I was tying the curtain around the bedpost when the doors opened and the prince walked in. I bowed boy even sparing him a glance and continued my work, I have to go back to the harem fast, besides I need a shower cause I'm starting to smell with all of the cleaning we had to do.

After we were both done we almost ran out of his room and back to the harem where we helped them a little before we all went to the hmam, everyone was moaning from pain and soreness.

The next day as I was getting dressed having woken up before the rest of the girls from all the pain that ran through my body. I saw a person walking around in panic behind the curtains that covered us when we sleep.

I pushed the curtain to the side to see Hatice hatun pacing around in panic like crazy and she was muttering to herself.

"Is everything okay Hatice hatun?" I asked making her jump and turn to look at me, a look of relief replaced the one of panic.

"Oh thank Allah you're awake. I need your help" she said walking over to me.

"What is it?" I asked raising my eyebrow as I fixed the belt around my dress.

"I have work to do and I can't help the prince with washing his face," she said hurriedly as if she gets anymore late hell will rain on her.

"So?" I asked turning around to grab a small mirror we girls shared and started fixing my hair.

"I want you to do it," she said smiling brightly at me.

"Me? Why me?" I whined placing the mirror back down too hard almost causing a crack in the glass.

"Just do it. Now go you'll find everything ready by the door" she pushed me out of the harem. I scoffed and walked to the prince's room to see and the other girl also panicking, she was holding a pot and beside her on the floor was a watering pot.

"Oh thank Allah. Come on let's go I could hear his majesty waking up" she said calming down. He wouldn't explode if we were a little.

I took the pot off the floor almost falling over as my sore muscles were helping much with holding so much weight.

The aghas at the door opened the doors showing the prince sitting up in his bed holding the back of his neck as he looked around before moving his gaze to us.

We walked over to the edge of the bed where he moved to and leaned against the pot, I spilled a little water on his outstretched hands which he threw on his face.

I took the towel that was on the other girl's hand and handed it to him barely balancing the pot with one hand. Our fingers brushed against each other as he took the towel from me.

After he was done he stood up making us back away ready to leave but the girl stopped me before I could leave and spoke to me.

"I have work to finish so give me these and you open the curtains today" I handed her the pot which she balanced with the bowel making sure to not spill any water from it. It was like fate didn't want me to leave his room today.

I walked over to the windows and started pushing the curtains open and tying them to the side before opening some of the windows to get some fresh air into the room.

As I was tying one of the curtains I felt two hands on my waist making me jump letting go of the curtain feeling my whole body freeze.

"Hello, again troublemaker" I heard the prince say behind me. I took a shuddering breath before continuing to tie the curtains so they won't fall over the window and block the light again.

"I'm sorry for the other day my prince" it felt like I just uttered the biggest and fattest lie in my life.

"That didn't sound sinister," he said backing away and sitting on the couch beside where I was opening the window and had to move a little closer to where he sat so I can work on the next window. Why were there so many windows in his room?

"You didn't expect me to sound sinister when apologizing about being forced to give up on my family, did you?" I asked harshly not moving my gaze from the window.

I suddenly slipped and almost fell out of the window of the prince didn't catch me in time and bought me down. My heart was racing in fear as I clung to the prince with pure terror.

I looked at him to see him still sitting, wait then where am I sitting? I looked down to see that I was on his lap. I scrambled up bowing to him before running out having opened all of the curtains and windows. Why does he keep making me feel like this?

MY PRINCE| MAGNIFICENT CENTURY| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now