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"Mustafa be careful" I called to the excited boy as he ran around the corridors. I ran after him with Ferial behind me holding Hurrem in her arms.

"Ferial go back to the room and stay with Abdullah" she bowed and went back to my room.

"Mustafa" I called as he stopped in front of his father's door and knocked excitedly. When I reached him I immediately scooped him up and held him on my hip. The doors opened to show Mehmed's knew friend, Jamal.

"Sultana, come in" I nodded and walked in and bowed to Mehmed who was sitting on his couch. When he saw me and Mustafa he stood up with a grin and walked over to where we stood.

"Daddy!" Mustafa explained excited trying to jump out of my hands and into Mehmed's who scooped him up and held him tightly in his grip.

"I missed you," Mustafa said playing with the end of his father's hair which I knew tickled him and I was right as he let out a chuckled and pushed his hand out of his hair.

"Do you mind if I stayed with daddy today?" Mustafa asked turning to look at me with his puppy eyes making me melt inside.

"If he doesn't mind" I answered turning to look at Mehmed, Mustafa gave his father the same look he gave me.

"I would love to. Maybe mommy can have a small break today" Mehmed said walking over to the couch and sitting down.

"Then mommy is gonna go have a bath before she has to breastfeed a hungry three months old" he laughed at my words and gave me a smile as I bowed and left his room.

I walked into my own room and over to Hurrem who was getting her hair braided by a maid who was called Zainab.

"Look, mommy, my hair is pretty," Hurrem said happily making me smile at her excitement.

"It is" I nodded before turning to Hatice hatun.

"Please prepare me the bath" she bowed and left the room.

"I'll get you, your clothes," Ferial said running around the room to prepare my clothes before we both left for the bath.

I changed into a towel and at down in front of a small floor sink filled with warm water to be used. Ferial took a platter and filled it with water and dumped it over my head to get my hair wet.

"Oh no I forgot to get you shoes," Ferial said making me laugh and take the platter from her hand before she ran out while putting on a robe to not be seen in only a towel.

I dipped the platter in the water and spilled it over my shoulder getting it wet when suddenly I felt a hand on the back of my head making me gasp as my head was pushed into the sink filled with water.

The silver platter fell from my hand onto the floor clattering against the marble floor. I tried pushing myself up but it was no use. The person pulled my hair making my head come out of the water and back to face them upside down. It was a brown-haired girl I've seen around the harem, she was in the favorite's room which I knew she was before we moved to Manesa the first time.

"I will kill you" she growled pushing my head back underwater. I tried swatting her hands off of me but it was no use. She pulled me back up after a couple of moments.

"You stole my life from me," she said. I felt bad for her having to use violence to be noticed again by anyone.

I heard banging on the door which made me feel a spark of hope to be saved by someone, anyone.

"Sultana? Why's the door locked?" Ferial asked trying to open the door but to no use.

"Help!" I called out but my head was pushed back under the water. I knew this time she wouldn't be pulling my head up and will try to drown me before anyone comes.

"Break the door!" I heard faintly before banging started to fill the room. I pushed and kicked but nothing helped as her grip grew tighter against my hair. I started feeling light-headed when my head was pulled out of the water.

My body was too weak to be stood on its own so I was leaning against Ferial who held me protectively.

"Where's the doctor?" She yelled at the aghas who were running around. Another maid helped Ferial put a robe over my body and helped me out of the bathroom and to my room.

Mehmed ran in with Mustafa in his arms, he handed him to Zainab who took him to the extra room where the children were sleeping in.

"My Turhan" he sat beside me and pulled me into him holding me tightly against.

"I will kill her" he promised as I burst out crying in between his arms. The reality of what just happens hit me like a horse. She almost took me away from my children, from my lover.

"I promise you to make her pay," he said promised me pulling my head up to face him.

"Don't kill her Mehmed, she was just desperate to be seen" I said holding his arm tightly to be able to hold myself up and look at him with our faces on the same level.

"Then what do you suggest I do to punish her," he asked pushing a piece of wet hair out of my face.

"Marry her off" I knew that marrying her off was a worst punishment than killing her. He kissed my forehead and pulled me in for a tight hug before he himself helped me into my sleepwear and walked me over to my bed and laid me down on it before joining me. He held me tightly against him that night afraid of me being snatched from him. I too held him tightly afraid of the smallest sounds or movement.

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