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It felt like I was underwater, drowning, sinking in deeper and deeper. I couldn't breath, the water was filling my lungs blocking all of the air from reaching my lungs.


I want whoever said that to shut up because if I could breath I would've. What happened? Why did it happen?

"Breath Turhan"

That sounded like Mehmed. Oh my young and beautiful Mehmed, my innocent lover. My prince, my everything.


I opened my eyes and to my disappointment it wasn't Mehmed standing over my body, no it was Hurrem sultan.


That was Mihrimah sultan's voice, she was in distress over her brother, my lover. He left, he left me, he left our children all alone in this world.

"He's not gone" I whispered with a broken voice to the distressed sultana who had tears running down her face. Ferial ran over to my motionless form on the floor and helped me sit up.

"He's not gone, he can't be" I struggled to stand up. Ferial and three maids tried to hold me back from entering the room and they succeeded. I watched from the window as a doctor pulled white sheets over his face covering his body forever.

"No no no, pull it off, he can't breath like this

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"No no no, pull it off, he can't breath like this. He hates it with the blanket over him" I yelled banging on the window but the girls were able to pull me away from it and sat me down on the bay window in front of the door.

"He can't be gone" I whispered exhausted. I placed my head in between my hands feeling a headache start but it was nothing compared to the heart ache.

"Mommy" I looked up to see Hurrem walking over and on the other side of the hall was her maid running to catch up with her.

"Come on darling" I picked her up and started walking to the harem to start my hidad with everyone else. Three days in the harem locked in there but I didn't care all I wanted was for my love to come back and stay with us.

As I walked through the harem all of the girls got up with tears streaming down their faces and bowed down to me and Hurrem who was curled up in my arms still not understanding what was happening.

I walked into my room and have Hurrem to Ferial and asked the girls to prepare my black clothes. I walked over to the window and looked out to see prince Beyazid with a wooden sword still not allowed to touch a real one, he was hitting a tree very hard letting out all of his anger in it and the result was pieces of wood flying around him as he let out a scream of pain which hit me hard and that caused me to burst out crying again and sit down on my couch feeling all of the energy in my body leave my body.

The next day was the hardest day of my life as I went to the imperial tower with the females of the royal family. Hurrem sultan stood in the front with Mihrimah sultan, I stood with Mihrimah ok my hip only a step behind Mihrimah sultan and Ferial stood beside me with Abdullah who was still too young to understand what was happening.

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