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"Sultanim, this came in this morning," Ferial said handing me a piece of paper. I took it from her and opened it to read it.

Dear Turhan Sultan

I know you are wondering who this is from, this is Bali Bey. I wish to meet you in the marble castle if you do not mind. I'll be waiting for you there.

Malkoçoglu Bali Bey

I raised my eyebrow in confusion. I got up to dress up and made sure the children were with Ferial and another maid before leaving for the marble castle.

When I got there I noticed the lack of servants and Bali Bey's usual amount of men. It seemed he bought with him only who he trusts. When I reached the maid room the guards stopped me which confused me.

"Bali Bey wishes to see you alone sultana," one of them said looking back at the two maids behind me. I pointed for them to stop at the door before walking in.

 I pointed for them to stop at the door before walking in

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"Bali Bey," I said making him turn around and face me. He bowed slightly to me.

"Sultanim, forgive me for bringing you here on such short notice" he started. I walked closer to where he stood but made sure to leave an appropriate amount of space between us.

"I wanted to make sure for myself that you are better," he said looking down. I raised my eyebrow at his words.

"From childbirth I mean" I nodded my head at him.

"I am fine and fully recovered" I answered. This whole meeting was confusing me. He couldn't have bought me here to just ask me if I was healthy.

"I wanted to tell you something important," he said which triggered my interest.

"I know that you have a good relationship with Hurrem sultan but I don't think she really cares" he started taking a step closer to me which I had to urge myself from taking one back in return.

"She wants to send you away and keep you away from your children. She doesn't think you are fit to be a mother to them" I felt like all of the air in my lungs leave at his words. I
Closed my eyes feeling like an arrow on fire just pierced my heart all over again. What does she want from me? She's been really happy with me for the past month since I got out of my sad state and started taking care of my children even more than I used to before Mehmed's death.

"How do you know?" I asked lowly slowing down the lump in my throat. I can't cry in front of him, it's too much for him it sees especially after that cursed night.

"The sultan asked for me to find you a husband to marry off to" he answered back.

"He was the one to suggest marrying me to Mehmed to keep me with my children and now he himself is searching for a husband to marry me off," I said chuckling a little. I couldn't help but laugh at the situation I was in right now.

"Sultan-" I raised my hand silencing him before he could finish what he wanted to say.

"Who?" I asked almost afraid of the answer he was gonna give me.

"Mahmoud pasha" he wanted to marry me off to a man in his sixties when I was not even twenty-five of age. I closed my eyes pushing the tears back as hard as I can.

"Thank you for informing me" I muttered walking out. I could feel the look of pity he was throwing my way but I didn't care anymore.

As I walked through the harem I could feel the tense air around here. This castle should be the castle to be called the castle of tears and not the old castle. I've felt more pain in this castle than I have in any other one before.

I walked into my room freezing at the door when I saw Hurrem sultan sitting with my children around her. I bowed to her hesitatingly feeling mad at her but tried not to show her as I took off my outer clothes and walked over and sat down in front of her.

"What is the reason for your visit today sultana?" I asked for plastering a fake smile on my face to not show her that I know what she was planning.

"I'm here to take the children" she answered back. My heart dropped at her words. I wanted to stand up and yell but I felt like I was stuck on the couch.

"No" I whispered but no one heard as she stood up and ordered the maids including Ferial to pack the children's things and move them to her room.

"No don't take them away from me" I jumped up but Sunbul Agha and three maids were already there to push me down and almost forced me to watch as my children were taken from me. They let me go when the children were out of the room before leaving me alone in the dark and cold room.

"You're a heartless person Hurrem sultan" I yelled crying. How can they separate a mother from her children at all.

I spent the whole night praying to God for a miracle but all that I received was Sunbul agha informing of my marriage tomorrow

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I spent the whole night praying to God for a miracle but all that I received was Sunbul agha informing of my marriage tomorrow.

I will never marry another man than Mehmed, I promised myself that. I prayed for forgiveness for all of the deeds that I've done in my life begging for god to end this nightmare but I knew that will never happen.

"I'm sorry" I whispered as I finished writing the last letter and slid it under the door to Ferial who agreed to help me one last time as my maid before tomorrow.

I looked out of the window expecting Mehmed to appear in front of me on the sky and tell me that everything will be okay but he never did. I could hear their footsteps from behind the door which made me close my eyes as a tear left my eyes. I thought everything was going well but now I believe every word Mehmed said.

Tragedy always comes after happiness

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Tragedy always comes after happiness.
The harsh winter cold always takes over the warm spring breeze and leaves nothing alive behind even the warmest person will freeze.

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