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Abdullah could feel a panic attack rising in his chest as the letter in his hand fell down to his feet. He walked over to the balcony opening the doors and leaning against the railing as he took deep breaths.

"Abdullah" warm hands wrapped around his body and started rubbing up and down his back. He turned around to look at his favorite who looked at him with worried eyes. She was sent to him a present from his grandmother when he turned sixteen and she was the first woman he had ever touched in his life.

He now could see how much of a snake she was, his grandmother knowing things she shouldn't finally make sense to him. He pushed the girl away from him making her look at him in shock having never been pushed away or being rejected by her before ever.

He walked out of the room and straight to his sisters barging in without bothering to knock. His sister sat there with her son in her lap playing with his small fingers, after her miscarriage she was able to conceive again and had a beautiful son named Mehmed after their father and younger brother.

"Abdullah" she smiled when she saw him but it was wiped off when she saw the tears running down his face as he walked closer to her. She handed her son to one of the maids and ordered for them to be left alone already understanding what was going on.

"You got her letter too?" She asked wrapping her warm arms around his shoulders pulling him down to her height and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer letting his emotions go and cried in her arms for what felt like hours but were barley minutes.

"Come" she pulled him to the couch and sat him down on it gently. She let ordered maids to call their brother Mustafa over who almost ran in worriedly when he heard that his brother has been crying.

"What's wrong?" Mustafa asked sitting down beside Abdullah and started rubbing his back which was unusual since the guys barely showed any emotions towards one another other than excitement as they duel.

"He got the letter" Hurrem answered back. Abdullah stood up and walked over to the sink in the room. He filled it with water and started washing his face feeling weak for crying but this was his mother for Allah's sake. She was the woman who was pregnant with him for nine months and had a hard time birthing him into this world. His mother that he doesn't remember since she died when he was merely two years old. He remembers glimpses which he saw as a miracle. He felt bad for his brother Mehmed who was a couple of days old when their mother left.

"It's all of our grandparents' fault," Abdullah said turning around to glare at anything and anyone.

"And that's why we have to stand by our uncle Beyazid's side and support him no matter what" Mustafa nodded getting up. He missed the man he shared a name with, his own father killed him because of his greed for more power, and that made them hate their grandfather even more if that was possible.

"You're the only one who knows where he is. Tell us so we could save him before they could get him" Hurrem said softly getting up and walking over to her younger brother placing a hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"He's in the Safavid empire with his sons" Abdullah answered. Mustafa ran out as fast as he could ordering his men to get ready and leave as fast as possible.

After Mustafa's outburst about their mother, their grandfather sent them to a state further away to live in and it came in handy when they were closer to the Safavid than their grandfather and have a chance to save their uncle.

During the next week his brother returned with their uncle and cousins, Hurrem burst out crying when she saw her uncle safe and sound. She didn't know how her brother was able to pay the debt but she had an idea that someone with the name Mihrimah had a hand in it.

"You're safe" Abdullah whispered pulling his uncle closer and hugging him tightly. Between Beyazid and Selim Beyazid was the one they were close with. After their parents left it was their uncle Mustafa that took care of them and when he too was killed they felt like their uncle Beyazid took responsibility for them. They loved him so much that if he had died they would more than just crushed.

"Thanks to you I am," Beyazid said patting his back before pulling away to order for his wife to be bought here as fast as possible. Abdullah hugged each one of his cousins feeling his heart filling up again.

He swears that no one will rise on that throne other than his uncle Beyazid no matter what. He immediately sent a letter to his grandfather with everything horrible Selim did that he didn't know about but he didn't seem to care. His grandfather immediately sent men to get Beyazid but they won't let anything happen to him so they went on the run in cities around the capital to always be near the throne in case anything happens.

Abdullah wasn't a very patient person so behind everyone's backs he took matters into his own hands as they made a quick stop.

In less than a month the news of his grandfather being sick reached them and they knew it was time to take action as fast as possible. They prepared their men and armies, they sent got the janissaries to prepare themselves. They all were more than delighted to help them get rid of Selim as soon as possible not wanting an alcoholic to be their sultan any time soon.

Abdullah could feel the lump in his throat as he stood in full armor beside his brother and uncle and cousins ready to run into the castle in front of them to do what was right with a whole army behind them. Three out of four letters has been sent.

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