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Hurrem couldn't help but gasp for breath as she finished the letter. It fell to the floor and laid there flat glaring up at her.

Mahmoud pasha, her husband of two months ran over catching her just as she started falling onto her knees. He held her against his chest as she cried without asking one question and let her pour out her emotions.

Maybe she was exaggerating a little and she blamed that on the hormones that have been merciless since she got pregnant.

"She killed herself to keep her promise" she sobbed tugging her face into her husband's chest as he rubbed her back whispering comforting things into her ear.

Many thought this was a political marriage since Mahmoud was from a wealthy family that was very much involved in the state besides her grandfather who ruled but this marriage was out of love. They've loved each other from the first time they met by accident in the private garden and she wasn't scared to tell her grandmother who told her grandfather who immediately married them happily. She now knew why he didn't fight it much, it was out of guilt and he wanted to pay her one way or another.

She got up pushing Mahmoud off of her and walked out of the room ignoring his calls behind her.

"Prepare me the carriage" she ordered her Kalfa harshly. She ran out to prepare everything as Hurrem out on her coat and headscarf ignoring her husband's begging.

She got into the carriage and ordered them to drive as fast as possible and if they had to she will force them to fly the damn thing.

When she got to the throne's castle she got out in front of the men before the agha had time to make way for her. They all turned their backs when they saw a woman get out of the carriage and walk into the castle angrily. She could see her father in law watching in confusion but she ignored his stated and continued walking in and straight to the harem.

She pushed the doors open harshly making them slam back against the wall causing a loud banging sound to echo around the room.

"You!" She yelled stalking closer to her grandfather. Who stood up with a confused look on his face and watched her silently as she walked over.

"You killed my mother" she yelled banging her fist against his chest. He took her hand into his squeezing it tightly that she had to suppress a cry of pain.

"You watch the way you speak to me, do not forget that in front of you stands the sultan of the world. How dare you barge into here like this and yell so loudly?" He said with a dangerous tone in his voice. She pulled her hand out of us and backed away from him, it wasn't out of fear, no it was out of disgust and she made sure he understood that by the look on her face.

"No, in front of me stands a murderer and a man I never met before. You are no longer my grandfather. From this day forth I am not related to such a monster" she spat before turning around to see the shocked look on Bali Bey's face. She walked out making sure to his shoulder on the way out only to be met with Hurrem's toy, Rustom pasha.

"I have never met a more horrible man than you and my grandfather before," she said looking him up and down with disgust.

An arm wrapped around her bicep turning her around harshly before she was met with a slap to the face. It stung very badly because of the rings on his fingers. She looked up with hatred at her grandfather who glared down at her until she let out a mule of pain while clutching her stomach. His expression turned to one of worry and regret especially when blood started to pool on the floor.

Without thinking twice Bali Bey picked up the crying sultana and ran to the harem even though he wasn't allowed to touch her or go near the harem but this was an emergency and surely the sultan would understand, the victim being his own granddaughter who he hurt.

Hurrem sultan let out a yell of fear as she watched from her balcony with Mihrimah as Bali Bey walked into the harem with a now unconscious Hurrem laying limply in his arms.

The concubines scramble out of his way bowing with confusion and fear. They watched as Hurrem sultan and Mihrimah sultan ran after him yelling left and right in fear for the doctors.

The next time Hurrem woke up it was to even worse news leaving her yelling and screaming for her lost child. She hated her grandfather even more if that was possible.

She was able to throw everything on the bedside table beside her bed as she yelled and screamed at the doctors who had to force the medicine down her throat for her to calm down.

The next time she woke up she was in her bed back in her castle that she shared with her brothers that she loved dearly. She begged for them to sleep beside her for the next couple
Of nights.

Then came the nightmares of her grandfather killing her brothers in front of her than killing her beloved Mahmoud and leaving her to suffer in the pain all in her own.

She swore to get revenge for her mother and she will stand by her word until she drew her last breath.

Ferial looked out of her window at the bright moon that shone in the sky full and proud. She delivered the first one out of four and her mission had begun all over again. She missed her best friend, Shams, Turhan Sultan. She wished that the years that had passed were much happier ones.

Even after marrying and starting her own family, she couldn't be happy, not as much as she was with Turhan beside her. She felt wrong with a man touching her but she couldn't come out to the world as the different one and had to hide her actual feelings towards Turhan sultan who clearly didn't return them the same way since she loved prince Mehmed way much more than anyone thought possible. One letter out of four has been sent.

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