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Mehmed didn't remember anything about his parents, not how they looked like, not their voices nothing. He knew that his father died early because of the plague but he was told that his mother ran away with another man when she, in fact, died to not be with another man.

He placed the paper down on the table to wrinkle it as he tightened his fists angrily. He punched the wall repeatedly not caring that they were bruising or bleeding.

"Mehmed!" His sister ran in and pulled him away from the wall and sat him down on the couch. She has always been a mother figure in his life after his mother left. She was too young in his younger years but as she grew up she took more care of him.

"We all got the same letter at your age," she said rubbing his back as he wiped his tears away angrily hating that he as still crying at his age.

"And that's why we helped out uncle Beyazid" she continued running her fingers through his hair. He wanted to push her hand away but he didn't have the heart to, she was his Hurrem after all.

"Is that why Mustafa and Abdullah disappeared for a while then we returned to the throne's castle?" He asked slowly. She nodded with a small smile. She pulled him up on his feet and fixed his black clothes.

"Do not forget, we have our uncle's funeral and Mustafa's coronation" during the revolution they started Beyazid got injured pretty badly and he barely survived the attack. A while back another plague started up and he died along with all of his male children and the only survivors were two of his daughters leaving Mustafa as the only heir available and so he will be crowned the sultan.

"They killed her" he whispered distressed. He was the emotional one out of his sibling but always tries to hide it as much as he can. Mustafa was like their uncle Beyazid, he was always angry and irritated while Hurrem was the smarter one with a calmer demeanor that he saw break only once and that when she had a miscarriage.

He walked out of the castle and stood beside his brother who was sat on the throne looking over the janissaries in front of him. He looked at the coffins to the side feeling his heartbreak for his cousins but there was nothing else to do.

He wanted to get revenge for his mother but there was nothing to do anymore, his siblings did that already by showing their grandmother hell and killing Nurbanu whose idea it was to marry his mother off. The throne was his brother's and he guaranteed that he won't die.

Nothing about that day made him feel any less frustrated. He wanted to hit something, to kill someone who was responsible but there was nothing he could do.

He got on his horse and rode as fast as he could. His guards didn't know where they were going but he did. When he reached his destination he got off the horse handing the reigns to one of the guards before walking into the building. When he reached the coffin he started praying for the man in the coffin.

"I wasn't expecting anyone to come today" he turned around to face someone he hasn't seen in years. She was wearing her usual black clothes with a headscarf and held a Quran in her arms.

"I feel guilty for not visiting earlier," he said stepping closer to her. She smiled up at him, a genuine smile, one she hasn't given to anyone in a long time.

"You can visit whenever you want," she said placing her hand on his cheek rubbing it slightly making him close his eyes loving the motherly touch he hasn't felt in so long that he didn't even remember how it felt. Hurrem may have been the motherly figure in his life but this was different.

"Mahidevran Sultan, would you like to go with me to visit Nargessah, I've missed her dearly," he said taking her hand into his. Her smile couldn't be brighter at the mention of her only surviving grandchild.

"I would love to," she said tightening her grip on his hand. He couldn't help but feel pity for the poor woman who was left childless and her grandson was snatched from her and that caused her daughter-in-law to kill her sled in front of her.

"Prepare yourself until next week I would've arranged everything," he said kissing the back of her hand like he would've to his own mother if she had still been alive.

"If you don't mind I will be staying with you until then," he said. She patted his cheek with a smile.

"Why would you stay in a poor house when you could stay at a castle?" She asked. He shook his head with an almost grimace on his face.

"I'd rather live in a poor house instead of a huge palace" he answered her before bowing to her and leaving. He could see the tears in her eyes when he bowed to her having not revived such a gesture for so long.

He climbed on his horse and followed her carriage to the small house she stayed in with her maids. She let him use one of the rooms as his own. He immediately sent a letter to his brother asking for permission and he got it in a matter of days and before the week finished they were on a boat.

Nargessah was there when they reached the docks and welcomed her grandmother with a tight hug and a huge smile on her face. She thanked him for bringing her grandmother to her. He knew that Mahidevran wouldn't have been able to afford the trip over to see her only granddaughter.

Ferial closed her eyes finally being able to sleep peacefully after so many years of stress and sadness. Four out of four letters have been sent.

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