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I mumbled annoyed as I helped some of the girls light candles around the prince's room to fill it with light instead of the burning sun that set a couple of minutes ago.

The doors opened to show the prince and his best friend that I didn't even bother to remember the name of, the prince walked in while his friend took place beside the door. Hatice hatun signaled for us to leave by jerking her head in the direction of the door, I bowed along with the girls and walked over to the door but I was stopped before I could reach it by a hand wrapping around my bicep. I looked up at the prince raising my eyebrow in confusion before moving them to look at Hatice sultan who smirked before walking out.

"You stay here," the prince said lowly. I wanted to hit him and run away but the traditions stopped me knowing I will be executed so I just did what I was taught.

I kneeled in front of him feeling dread filling my body

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I kneeled in front of him feeling dread filling my body. He placed his hand under my chin and pulled me up to face him, I couldn't look him straight in the eyes.

"Look at me hatun," he said softly not helping my situation at all. I did as I was told trying to hold back tears of fear. His eyes were a sparkling brown almost gold from the light of the candles around us.

"Why are you afraid?" He asked pulling my shaking hands up in front of me.

"I-I-" I couldn't utter one word out feeling my heart thunder against my ribcage and my knees weaken each passing moment.

"You're not afraid of me are you?" He asked stepping closer to me making our chests touch. I shook my head 'no', I didn't fear the prince I feared what was gonna happen.

"Good" he uttered before smashing his lips against mine making me take a step back from its forces but he immediately bought me back closer using his arm that was now wrapped around my waist squeezing me tightly.

His kiss seemed hungry like he was starved for years and I was the food he found after so many sleepless nights of searching.

"I couldn't get you out of my head you troublemaker" he mumbled in my ear making me shiver. He pulled me up and threw me on the bed before climbing on top of me looking at me with so much lust I feared he would burst.

"Why do you hate me?" He asked pulling me closer to him making our bare chests meet as he tightened his grip around my bare waist since the sheets only cover our lower parts and my upper part was cover by his and his arm that was wrapped around me. The sun was coming back up now as some light came through the windows and the few candles that were still on fluttering a little became almost useless as the light started to fill the room and they started to die down in shame.

"I don't hate you your highness" I mumbled looking up at his handsome face as he did the same. I could hear the aghas change patrols quietly outside to not disturb the prince.

"Then why did you try to run away and keep putting distance between us?" He asked a little sadly. I pulled away from him before suddenly straddling him and leaned forward so my lips were right beside his ear.

"Is that close enough my prince?" I whisper asked before taking his ear between my swollen lips that had a little dried blood to the side where the prince bit me a while back as we made love.

"More than enough" he muttered before pulling me under him again smashing his lips to mine making me lose all of my senses and focus on him and him alone.

I walked out of the room feeling happiness fill my chest as I looked back at the door one last time before walking back to the harem.

I can finally sleep at night without confusing my affection with hate

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I can finally sleep at night without confusing my affection with hate. I kept telling myself that I didn't like the prince and it was just my heart tricking my brain that the hate I felt for him was affection but apparently not.

"There you are" I looked with a huge smile on my face at Hatice hatun who smiled brightly.

"Come on I'll take you to the hmam then we'll move you to the favorite's rooms" she ushered me to the hmam where I took a long relaxing bath before I was moved with my things to the favorites' room.

"I can't believe that you spent the night with the prince" Ferial said sitting down beside me as we looked at the presents the prince sent.

"Neither can I," I said truthfully feeling like this was a dream and I will wake up any minute and this all would go away.

"Was he nice?" She asked leaning forward to stare at me.

"He was the nicest person I've ever met. He kept asking me if I was okay and he's very considerate besides he seemed to actually like me not only a one-night thing" I couldn't help myself but get sucked into a daydream of his beautiful face and soft hands that ran around my body hours ago as he loved me over and over again as we finally gave in to each other.

I can officially say that I am smitten by the handsome prince. He kissed me the first time in the middle of the forest and he made love to me for the first time in his room and I hope to give him his first child soon too to make him happy. As long as he's happy then so am I.

"Are you listening" I was snapped back to reality by a glaring Ferial. I couldn't help but shrug sheepishly at her making her scoff and shake her head.

"You're gone girl," she said making us both burst out laughing.

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