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Mehmed went immediately to the capital on the same day after making sure I and Hurrem were okay.

A week after him I and Hurrem left our castle to the capital where we will be meeting everyone else there.

I walked out of the carriage with the help of an agha while holding Hurrem in the other arm. When I got to the floor I immediately bowed to the legendary sultana that was now standing in front of me.

"Sultanim" I took her hand in mine and kissed the back of it feeling nervous as hell.

"Is that my granddaughter?" She asked smiling brightly looking at the baby in between my arms flailing her arms around.

"Yes, sultana" I smiled at her. She took her from me and started fawning over her which I didn't expect knowing how a woman who brings a daughter is almost forgotten here.

"Mehmed would be very happy to know you have arrived" Mihrimah sultan said leading the way into the castle and into the harem.

As I walked in all of the harem girls bowed to Hurrem's sultan and looked at the small baby in between her arms whispering to each other which bothered me a lot.

"Ignore them, you will bring my son and lion one-day," Hurrem said kindly. I was shocked because after all she is known to be really cruel to the people around her.

I walked into her room and sat down on one of the chairs there watching as Hurrem and Mihrimah cooed at the baby not caring if it was a girl or a boy which was a huge shocker.

I looked at the doors as they opened to show Mehmed walk in. I stood up and bowed to him as he took his mother's hand and placed a kiss to the back of it before turning to our daughter patting her head before turning to me.

"Welcome Turhan," he said kindly looking at me with eyes full of happiness which I returned. I've missed him so very much and couldn't wait to spend more time with him.

"Thank you my prince" I gave him a small smile before turning back to our daughter.

After one month we were back in our city, Mehmed went back to work while I took care of our daughter.

And that's how it was for months before I fell pregnant again after our daughter turned a year old and this time we had a son which Mehmed insisted on his father, who came to visit and name Mehmed's first son, to be named Mustafa which the sultan agreed on.

Now we were all in the capital again with a five years old Hurrem and a four years old Mustafa and me being seven months pregnant with our third child.

The sultan assembled all of his children for his youngest son's coronation and also to announce who would be his solum heir between all five of his sons.

It was nerve-wracking knowing that Mehmed could lose that title any minute now and that wasn't helping my situation, the stress caused too many cramps and pain all over my body.

"Everything will be just fine," Hurrem said looking at me as I rubbed my belly nervously.

"I hope so sultana" I muttered moving my gaze to the children in front of me who were running after each other.

"Don't stress yourself and leave those stuff to me. You just take care of your children" she said earning my attention fully.

"How can I not worry when those decisions affect the future of my children" I looked at her with almost teary eyes. I must stay strong, I warned myself mentally.

"I told you I will take care of everything," she said just as the doors opened and sultana Mihrimah walked in followed by prince Selim who was now a grown man. I stood up and bowed to both of them.

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