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The Great Hall was alive with the buzzing of eager students who had patiently waited the whole summer for another beginning of an exciting year at Hogwarts, though few students really had any idea of what excitement the next year had in store

Happy chatter and excited squeals from younger aged students carried throughout the expansive room adding to the growing symphony of noise

Harry Potter shifted in his seat as he tried to ignore his slowly growing headache. Despite what he had hoped, the dull aching of his temples couldn't be drowned out with a delicious Treacle Tart

The first meal at Hogwarts always tasted best to Harry, perhaps because during the the summer he rarely got fed proper portions of food, and on the rare occasion he did, the food he received was far from the quality of what the elves at Hogwarts were able to produce

Beside Harry was the sound of Ron and Hermione's relentless bickering. From the time they had met up on platform 9 3/4 earlier that day, their bickering hadn't seemed to cease, and it didn't look like it would be anytime soon

The bickering had only added to the unpleasant headache Harry was now experiencing. He didn't particularly want to get involved with their argument by kindly suggesting they shut up, so he instead hit his tongue and kept his annoyed thoughts to himself

Harry took one last savoury bite of his Treacle Tart as Ron began to once more question if Hermione had spent time with boys over the summer holiday, he'd already asked her three times about the matter which always resulted in Hermione snapping at Ron for being so thick

Instead of engaging in this, Harry allowed his mind to wander until it was occupied on the various visitors that had arrived at Hogwarts earlier in the evening. He had yet to see any in person yet, but it was difficult to ignore the large ship in the lake and the curious carriage carried by winged horses

Harry recalled Ron briefly mentioning something about Viktor Krum arriving, but he didn't hear much else that his friend had said as his comment on Krum started another argument in which Hermione made the mistake getting the Quidditch star's name wrong

Harry had also heard brief rumours during the train ride about some sort of tournament to be held this year, but he hadn't paid much attention to them, his focus as of late remained on his odd dream...

It was a dream that deeply unsettled him and though he wouldn't admit it to anyone, it scared him a great deal as well. He suspected Voldemort was planning something big...

"You are so dense Ron! I've told you already, I haven't been seeing any boys over the summer! And why does the thought of me seeing a boy offend you so much?" Hermione half shouted, folding her arms over her chest

"You have been seeing someone, I know it" Ron took a particularly large bite of rice pudding and spoke with a full mouth of food, "I just wonder which poor bloke could put up with you all summer"

Hermione's scowl was one that resembled Mrs Weasley so strongly that Harry grew slightly uncomfortable, Ron seemed to share these uneasy feelings as the colour drained from his face and he seemed to shrink a little as if realizing the mistake he had made

"I'm going to the bathroom" Harry said quietly standing up and leaving his two friends to continue their heated argument, from behind him he could hear Hermione scolding Ron for being so rude

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