{ thirteen }

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Harry innocently sat at the large Gryffindor table, enjoying a bowl of cereal and trying his best to suppress a grin as Hermione spoke of the most recent gossip at Hogwarts

"I can't believe Cedric and Cho have broken up...crazy huh?" She looked at Harry with her head cocked to the side, a look that seemed to question if he was in any way involved with the very sudden unforeseen split

Harry simply shrugged, doing his best to remain as passive as possible

Ron though wasn't so nonchalant, grinning and elbowing Harry's side, "Harry this is great mate now's your chance! Girls are always easiest to get after a breakup...they're very unstable you know"

Hermione smacked his arm, "Ron! That's horrible...you should really give a girl space after something like this, try to be friendly...can you even imagine how she's feeling?"

Ron and Harry both looked at each other befuddled before returning their attention back to Hermione, clueless and expectant for her answer

She groaned, "oh never mind. You two..." she shook her head and let out a defeated sigh, done with the obliviousness of the two boys 

Harry and Ron however both smiled at each other and resumed eating their breakfasts

Harry found it increasingly more difficult to hide his happiness as breakfast ensued, with each bite of his unusually delicious cereal he felt his grin becoming more and more difficult to suppress

"So Harry, how's it going with the egg?" Hermione asked casually, but in such a way that suggested she was questioning Harry's progress

Harry rolled his eyes, "I've got it under control Hermione, okay?"

Hermione frowned sceptically, "if you have it under control then why won't you tell us anything?"

Harry grumbled and shook his head, in all honesty he hadn't even thought about the egg since the first task. He was under the impression he still had a month until the second task, plenty of time to figure out what the shrieking egg really meant ...

"Alright fine then" Hermione said coldly, clearly offended by Harry's refusal to share anything with her

The sound of a few girls' gasps thankfully drew them away from the high tension rapidly forming at their table

Harry quickly glanced at the door and felt somewhat disappointed to see it was only Viktor Krum who had entered the Great Hall

Hermione's cheeks though instantly burned a bright crimson as she stared at the very fit older boy, her along with all the other girls at Hogwarts seemed to fancy him

Harry turned to Ron, prepared to pick fun at the simpering girls but instead furrowed his brow. His friend was as tense as a board, so tense that Harry feared he might just burst

"Ruddy pumpkin head..." Ron grumbled and took a large bite of sausage, chewing it in a savage way that made Harry slightly grin

Hermione sighed and rolled her eyes, "Ron..."

"He's the enemy Hermione and you chose him over Harry"

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