{ ten }

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"Incendio" Cedric muttered, causing the dying flame to come to life and cast off a pleasant wave of warmth

Cho smiled and grabbed hold of his arm in a tight grip, placing a rushed kiss on his cheek

They both settled onto the plush couch in front of the soothingly warm flames, sinking into the softness and instantly feeling lazy and fatigued

The usual tables that sat in the Great Hall had vanished long ago, making space for the lounges and couches which now sat in front of the pleasant fire

Though, due to the late hour, only a few people remained in the spacious hall to enjoy the new holiday furnishings

Cho pressed herself tightly into Cedric's side, unaware of how uncomfortable she was making her boyfriend

The older boy shifted, trying to adjust to the painful elbow firmly pressed into his side, he was too polite however to tell her of the discomfort she was causing him

He eventually accepted that he would have to be uncomfortable while with Cho and let out a quiet sigh. His eyes fell to the fire, staring into the flames mesmerized by the way they danced

He didn't notice how heavy his eyelids had become until Cho's boisterous voice suddenly filled the calming silence

"Cedric Cedric Cedric guess what? I got my dress today! Mum finally sent it! Gosh I'm so excited...but also nervous, we'll be dancing in front of all those people! But I'm sure it'll be amazing, me at your side, everyone staring at us...at me"

Cedric nodded along, feigning interest to overshadow his immense boredom as she spoke. He dreaded whenever she went on her overenthusiastic rants, it was bad enough that she spoke in the fake falsetto tone of excitement, but adding on the whole topic of a dance pretty much put Cedric to sleep 

"Your mind is going to be blown when you see how good I'm going to look" she said in a hubristic tone, a slight edge present as she spoke

Cedric had noticed that his girlfriend had recently taken on a more arrogant side, one that bordered narcissism and one that Cedric didn't care for at all. The shift in her attitude had begun when the ball was first announced, and then oddly picked up intensity twofold about two weeks ago

"I'm glad you're excited about it..." Cedric said quietly

"Oh come on you aren't excited? Not even a little? You get to dress up and be on full display to the entire school!" Cho smiled longingly at the thought

Though what the young Ravenclaw had just said didn't help Cedric's hesitant feelings about the ball, he didn't want himself on full display, he'd much prefer to just go to the ball and maybe dance privately at the end of the night

"That whole full display thing isn't particularly enjoyable for me" He said through a large yawn

Though Cedric would've preferred to be out of the public's eye, he wasn't completely against the ball, he actually liked the idea ... he just didn't particularly like that he'd have to dance with Cho in front of everyone

But, due to his desires of wanting to remain a 'good' boyfriend, he felt he owed this dance to Cho, she had after all been the one to ask him to accompany her to the ball

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