{ fifteen }

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Harry hesitantly approached the bathroom, his nerves an overwhelming illness. He had no idea of what to expect tonight, all Cedric had said was meet him at the Prefect's bathroom with his egg

He mentally cursed Cedric for being as vague as he was about the entire situation. Harry had been as clear as day, he didn't understand why Cedric couldn't return the favour

Harry tightened his grip on the egg, suddenly very tense at the mental image of Cedric Diggory. Although they were somewhat dating now, Harry still felt an uneasy sense of insecurity around the perfect Hufflepuff.

The mere thought of the kiss they'd shared was enough to herald Harry into an intense wave of jitteriness.

That had been his first kiss, his first of many he hoped...

Harry knew full well he was far from being considered a good kisser. He knew he needed a healthy amount of help. Though despite the knowledge of it all, it still felt good to kiss Cedric.

A cheeky grin formed on Harry's face as his head lulled to stare at the stone floor. Cedric's kissing had felt amazing. It was clear the older boy knew what he was doing. Harry tried to ignore the realization that his talent probably came from practice, practice on Cho Chang...

Harry, who was now a grumbly mess of anger, clumsily stumbled over a jutted out stone and nearly dropped the large golden egg.

He quietly mumbled out a curse and regathered his bearings. He marched on through the dark empty corridor, thankful that no one had been around to witness his clumsiness

As of late the teasing had subsided immensely, and on top of that Cho was nowhere to be found. Both things that put a smile on Harry's face, life was simpler when Cho wasn't around

"Hey Potter you should watch where your walking"

Harry whirled his head to the side and let out a relieved sigh realizing it was only Cedric, for a second he had feared it was Malfoy

"Uh hi ... Cedric"

Harry internally cringed at his awkward greeting. He knew later that night he'd lay awake in bed wondering why he had to be the most awkward person alive

Cedric flashed his charming grin, practically glowing as his grey eyes met Harry's green ones, "It's nice to see you, I've been thinking of you all day" Cedric said as he paced toward Harry, pulling Harry into a gently tight hug

Harry, who was originally caught off guard by the sudden hug, slowly sank into Cedric's embrace. Content at the safety he felt being protected in Cedrics large frame. The comfort that Cedric offered was something Harry knew he'd never grow tired of, it was something he'd secretly craved his whole life...to be loved

The hug ended slowly, as if speaking for the way that both boys reluctantly parted ways

Harry lifted his eyes all the way up to meet Cedric's, he really did feel like a child next to Cedric. The boy was massive, and it didn't help that Harry was tiny

"That's what you wear when I tell you we're meeting in the prefect's bathroom?" Cedric asked with a scoff, eyeing Harry with an amused shake of his head

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