{ five }

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"Excellent!" Dumbledore's voice carried easily over the satisfied hall of students, the atmosphere in the Great Hall was now shared excitement for the tournament to begin

As far as the selection of the champions, Harry wasn't surprised at all, they were all who he expected ... the best from each school

For the past few weeks, Harry had endured Ron's nonstop praise of Viktor Krum and he was convinced that if Ron was speaking truthfully of how skilled Viktor was, then he would be a sure fit to represent Durmstrang

As for Fleur, Ron had babbled on quiet a bit about her as well. Specifically expressing his thoughts of her being part Veela, he also took a keen liking to watching her walk, preferably from behind ... something that amused Harry thoroughly

And of course there was Cedric, Harry felt a wave of content replaying Cedric's joyful expression when his name had been called

The older boy was already painfully attractive when he wasn't smiling, and when that sharp grin spread across his chiseled face his handsome charm seemed increased twofold

Harry cursed himself earlier for being such an awkward git. The mere thought of Cedric staring at him had sent him into a frantic state hormones and emotions. Harry had of course noticed Cedric laugh at him, but Harry was too embarrassed about his own actions to hold it against the older Hufflepuff

There were a few distant gasps accompanied by an abrupt halt to Dumbledore's calming voice, Harry effortfully pulled himself back to the present where the goblet appeared to be producing another champion

Harry felt a sudden sliver of dread, whatever this was it couldn't be good ...

Sure enough the goblet spat out another small piece of parchment, Harry watched with a mixture of curiosity and jitteriness as it slowly floated nearer to Dumbledore

Dumbledore caught the small piece of parchment and opened it, though he didn't speak for a long time, allowing the great hall to sponge up the painful silence that ensued

Slowly the Headmaster recollected himself and cleared his throat, "Harry Potter"

Harry felt the eyes of every person in the Great Hall move to fall on him, it was in times like these when he wished he had his invisibility cloak handy at all times

The several stares seemed to sufficiently numb him, though there was a part of him that suddenly became very panicked. He must've heard wrong ... right? He couldn't be called because he didn't put his name in the goblet and he's underage ...

Harry quickly glanced at his own house's table, hopeful that his fellow Gryffindors would be able to provide him with some much needed support, though even they gazed at him mouths agape with looks of confusion

He looked to his two best friends, surely they would be on his side

"I didn't put my name in" Harry's voice even to himself sounded miles away, distant and as numb as he felt, "you know I didn't" he added, a tone in his voice that was desperate for them to believe him

Though they could only return blank stares, Harry felt his heartbeat begin to quicken with panic. He could hear the quiet mumbling beginning throughout the Great Hall and felt suddenly nauseous

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