{ twenty three }

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Harry let out a loud cry as his leg crumbled beneath him, the shock of coming back to the reality of gravitational pull was something Harry hadn't prepared for

Cedric let out a quiet curse and quickly approached Harry, crouching in front of him and examining him carefully

"You alright?" He asked, his voice full of fear as he eyed Harry's clearly injured leg. The younger boy was bleeding quite a lot and appeared to be having ankle issues as well, no doubt from his high fall from the spider

Harry nodded and winced, using all his control to appear strong and not show how uncomfortable with pain he was

Cedric gave a sympathetic smile and gently ruffled Harry's hair, a weak attempt to ease both the tension and pain

Cedric promised himself that after this task came to an end he'd make an effort to speak to Harry, he wanted things to be good between them once again. He would make them good between them...

"Okay were gonna stand you up Harry" Cedric said gently, rising to his feet and lifting Harry easily from under his arms

Harry winced and shook his head clutching onto Cedric tightly

Cedric felt his heart ache seeing Harry in such a state, he was so helpless and vulnerable and for once he seemed rather desperate for contact opposed to his usual stubborn individualistic mindset

"That's it there we go that wasn't so bad" Cedric encouraged gently, he was practically holding all of Harry's weight but he wasn't bothered, Harry weighed nothing and it felt nice to have the younger boy at his side again...it made him realize how much he'd missed Harry

"Can you stand on your own?" Cedric asked gently, studying Harry's face as he attempted to bare weight on his ankle

Harry let out a small whimper and hissed in reaction, leaning into Cedric's support again, "I can't"

"Hey hey it's okay" Cedric cooed, gently rubbing Harry's back, "keep the weight on your good leg okay?"

Harry nodded and tried once again, his balance was wobbly at first though he quickly proved that he was capable of standing

"See that wasn't so bad was it?"

Harry shrugged, he wanted to say he liked it better when he was leaning against Cedric but something told him that wasn't a good thing to say, especially considering they weren't really dating anymore

"Would you prefer me to carry you princess?" Cedric teased with a chuckle, causing Harry's cheeks to burn red as a frown formed on his face. He was caught off guard by the comment, though it filled him with a sad memory of happier times

Cedric double checked to make sure Harry was balanced before he slowly began to wander off

"Odd place to be for celebrations huh? Where is everyone anyway?" Cedric stared around confused at the eerie graveyard they found themselves in, he had hardly payed it any attention until now

It looked as if no one had tended to it for years, it was gloomy and miserable and filled Cedric with an unexplainable strangling sense of uneasiness

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