{ two }

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Cedric took his regular seat at the Hufflepuff table, surrounded by his extensive group of friends who all silently welcomed him back to their crowded table

Once he'd settled in, instead of listening to Dumbledore, he felt the Headmaster's speech to take a backseat to the several thoughts now swarming through his head in a chaos that distracted him thoroughly

He allowed his grey eyes to drift to the Gryffindor table in front of him where Harry sat among his smaller group of friends 

Cedric had known the moment he'd met Harry in the summer only a few weeks ago that the younger boy had a particularly firm grasp on his heart, he was unquestioningly good looking...a rather unique look really which Cedric found all the more intriguing

On top of that Harry shared a similar interest in Quidditch and had a mysterious personality that peeked Cedric's interest in all ways possible

The coincidence of having stumbled into Harry after the feast put a smile on Cedric's face. He would have loved to admire Harry from afar but he couldn't have stood by and admired Harry while the younger boy let out the distressed sounds the due to his headache

Cedric found himself smiling longingly remembering before they'd both departed the way Harry's green eyes had met his grey ones...it was a quick glance and a little awkward albeit, but Cedric enjoyed their encounter very much...even though there were times when Harry made the pleasant encounter seem very much one sided

Cedric jerked slightly, feeling his leg kicked from across the table, "Ced, if Cho stares at you any longer I think her eyes'll melt" Annabelle sniggered staring amused at the younger Cho Chang

It wasn't news to Cedric, he simply rolled his eyes and shook his head. He knew Cho had been into him for quiet some time now, but he always had some excuse to not ask her out

"Come on Ced she's been after you forever now!" Cedric turned behind him and found Cho blushing aggressively, averting her eye contact with Cedric in record speed

Cedric was of course used to this by now, girls falling for him left right and centre....though he couldn't particularly say he liked all the attention, maybe that was another reason he enjoyed Harry's company, it was clear Harry didn't love all the attention he received and it was nice to have someone who could understand his unease of being in the constant spotlight

Cedric couldn't deny Cho's beauty, over the summer she had surely grown into a quiet attractive young woman, and he was grateful she wasn't one of the girls that actually went up to Cedric and tried to make him fall for them, instead she just tended to stare but always looked away when Cedric would catch her

"You think so?" Cedric asked feigning obliviousness

"Come on man she's into you just ask her out" Matthew encouraged gently shoving Cedric's arm

"Alright alright...I will" Cedric said, surrendering to his friend's peer pressuring. He gave Cho a warm smile which she returned, though hers was a lot more crimson than his own

"Thank god, you've been single way too long mate" Matthew said stretching an arm around Annabelle

Annabelle smiled and leaned forward, "aaaand she's a seeker as well! Perfect for you"

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