{ nine }

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Harry was eagerly pulled into the medical tent by Madame Pomfrey. Due to a deep cut he didn't even notice, he was forced to be treated before he could find out his scores against the dragon

Madame Pomfrey immediately sat him down, ranting of how unsafe dragons were and that only a year before dementors covered the supposedly safe school grounds

Harry used the time to try and catch his breath, he still felt high on adrenaline and being forced to sit wasn't helping

She lathered on a thick purple cream and then cast a healing charm onto his injured shoulder, Harry though wasn't paying any mind to what she was doing, his attention was stolen by the boy behind the curtains across the small room who he knew to be Cedric

If Harry hadn't heard Cedric being ushered into the medical tent while he awaited the his turn against the Horntail, he wouldn't have been able to tell it was Cedric. The thick curtains did a fair job of concealing him, apart from his broad silhouette, Harry couldn't see anything distinguishable of Cedric

Harry's insides twisted into an uncomfortable tangle of fear ... had something serious happened to Cedric?

He stood up only to be forced down on the bed again, "No no no stay here! You need to rest for a while longer"

"I don't wann—"

"Mr. Potter I suggest you do as I say" her voice was firm and made it clear that arguing would do no good

Harry sighed feeling highly agitated with the healing witch's instructions, he folded his arms across his chest and bounced his leg anxiously hoping for someone to say anything of Cedric's condition

Harry didn't bother to care about how unpleasant he looked, he even shot Madame Pomfrey a couple menacing flares in hopes she'd relent to Harry's desire to get up and see if Cedric was alright

"...Mr. Diggory you're good to go just make sure to continue applying the cream every night" Madame Pomfrey said after what Harry felt to be ages of anxious waiting

Harry insistently ditched the instructions of remain seated Madame Pomfrey had given him and bolted upright, taking one eager step off of his bed and bumping into a familiar figure

"Harry? A-Are you alright? What's happened to you?" Cedric asked in a voice full of concern as he looked over Harry's small body, eyes looking fearful and frantic as he searched Harry for injuries

Cedric's eyes settled on Harry's scratched arm which currently hung limp in a white sling

"Nothing...it's just a scratch. You?"

Cedric chuckled, "Just a little burn on my back, nothing serious"

Harry nodded tensely, feeling suddenly very jealous of Madame Pomfrey for being the one to treat Cedric's shirtless, and definitely muscular back

He quickly tried to brush the thought of a bare chested Cedric from his mind and instead focused on how unusually disheveled Cedric looked.  The sight made Harry's lower abdomen flutter, he had grown so accustomed to seeing Cedric with his hair styled and always looking very put together, it was nice to see him with a messy hairdo and a look of exhaustion on his handsome face

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