{ six }

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Cedric was woken up the next day to a cluster of 17 year old Hufflepuff boys surrounding him, all eager to continue their celebrations from the night before

A low groan escaped Cedric as he came to wakefulness, he had been enjoying a particularly pleasant dream ... though, the only detail he remembered clearly was a short figure with dark hair

"Come on Ced! Up we get, we got another full day of celebrations to start!" Matthew said in a tone Cedric knew better than to argue with

Cedric rolled his eyes and sat up to stretch, he felt a strong sense of exhilaration  thinking ahead to more celebrations. It was long overdue for the Hufflepuff house, and for himself

Once he had finished getting ready, Matthew accompanied him on the walk to the Great Hall. Since Cedric had informed his friend of the hints given in regards to the first task, Matthew had been glued to his side, constantly expressing how excited he was for his friend

Cedric had learned quickly to just smile and nod as his friend babbled on, constantly and deliberately repeating the brief instructions of Barty Crouch as if he could somehow unriddle a hint

Upon entered the Great Hall Cedric was assaulted by a far more boisterous atmosphere than he had anticipated, people seemed to be buzzing with curiosity and elated eagerness

Cedric couldn't help but blush when he entered the expansive room, to his surprise people had begun to clap and cheer for him. The majority of the supportive cheers were from his own houses' table,  though there undeniably was a wide spread of support scattered throughout each table in the Great Hall

A feeling of immeasurable pride possessed Cedric, seeing so many people looking at him in such respectful and appreciative way was a new experience all together for him, and he enjoyed it immensely

Having endured so many longing glances, it was refreshing to feel appreciated for a reason other than his appearance

The feeling of an elbow poking into his side drew Cedric's attention back to Matthew and his disgusted glance in the direction of the Gryffindor table

"See Ced ... everyone knows you're Hogwarts' proper champion ... not that narcissistic little twat Potter"

Cedric simply rolled his eyes, though he couldn't ignore the part of him that felt offended hearing Matthew insult Harry

The two boys took their seats, Cedric feeling increasingly suffocated by the several Hufflepuffs who felt compelled to surround him, as if simply being in his presence counted them as special too

Cedric eventually very kindly asked for some space, which his fellow Hufflepuffs were considerate enough to give

After helping himself to a very hefty plate of breakfast, Matthew once again returned to his ceaseless degrading of Harry

"That Potter really is something huh? Always needin to be the centre of attention" Matthew clenched his teeth as his glare toward the bold red table of students intensified twofold

"Knock it off man..." Cedric shot back quietly, despite not being on the best terms with Harry, he was mature enough to see that insulting the young Gryffindor would accomplish nothing

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