{ eight }

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Cedric had just reached the top of the tedious marble staircase when his brand new bag suddenly split open, splattering ink everywhere

The sudden shock caused Cedric to gasp and quickly crouch down to regather his mostly ink covered items

A couple of his friends tried to help him recollect his things but he quickly brushed their help away, telling them to get to class before they'd be late

The hall which had been crowded only moments before had instantly become deserted, leaving Cedric alone with the particular boy he fancied

He continued to grab his many items, questioning how his new bag could've split so unprovoked

Cedric tried his best not to pay any mind to Harry, even though the task soon proved to be challenging as the Gryffindor grew nearer and nearer

"Hi" Cedric said, doing his best to suppress a grin, not bothering to meet the younger's eyes

Cedric could sense something was odd, it was peculiar to suddenly find himself alone in the halls when he and Harry should both be in class, and not to mention this all was occurring just a day before the first task ...

And not to mention, he had only just gotten his bag from his parents and the probability of it splitting open by itself was highly unlikely

"Cedric" Harry's voice was rushed but serious, there was nothing of the usual awkwardness that drove Cedric mad in the best of ways

Cedric pulled his eyes away from his bag and rose to his full height, studying Harry meticulously

However, once their eyes met, the confidence act Harry had been supporting immediately collapsed, allowing the true, naive fourteen year old to be on full display to Cedric

"W-well I need to tell you something...important"

Cedric, who was highly interested, resisted the urge to crack a grin or a tormenting joke

"I..." Harry took a deep breath, "IlikeyouCedric" The fourth year practically shouted the words at Cedric, a look of regret on his face the moment the words left his lips

Cedric didn't bother to hide his laugh this time,"I like you too Harry"

"Okay...okay" Harry said nodding several times and looking more bummed than he should, after all Cedric had just reassured Harry that the feelings of attraction were mutual 

Harry turned on his heal as if to walk away but suddenly froze turning back to Cedric, a bright blush on his cheeks

"Did you mean...er...like me or like like me..." Harry appeared very hesitant, resuming his nervous habit of fiddling with his fingers. It was clear to Cedric that Harry was far out of his comfort zone but persisting through on bravery alone, a true Gryffindor

Cedric smiled, relieved as to understand why Harry had looked so bummed when Cedric had said he liked him, "I meant I like like you Harry"

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