{ sixteen }

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"Harry tell me about it!" Hermione pushed, slightly bouncing in her eagerness

Harry rolled his eyes and shook his head passively, he had of course been expecting Hermione's interrogation of his 'date' with Cedric, though he dreaded it all the same

"there's nothing to tell ..."

Hermione scoffed, "oh come on, there must be more! Don't hold back I wanna know everything!"

"There isn't. I already told you ... " Harry grinned coyly as he played dumb, "all it said was, come seek us where our voices—"

"No no not about that!" Hermione smacked his arm gently as she took a seat beside him, "tell me about you and Cedric" she whispered, the excitement still evident in her voice

Harry felt his cheeks burn at the mention of Cedric though he forced himself to continue his act of aloofness, "w-what?"

Over the few weeks since their bath, Harry felt him and Cedric were becoming closer. He could feel his trust building in Cedric and even found himself confiding his deepest thoughts and rants in the other boy

Harry even would go as far as to say his social skills were improving, though that wasn't saying much as his skills were far from good to begin with

The kissing had of course become easier as well, with Cedric as his teacher it would be difficult not to improve

Harry's favourite thing about Cedric however was the feeling of being held in his arms. Though he'd never admit it to anyone, he would never get enough of being held by Cedric. The feeling of being safe in the arms of another, the feeling of Cedric's welcoming warmth consuming him ...

"Harry! Harry?" Hermione snapped in front of his face a few times before pressing on, "I know there's more ... you told me you and Cedric had a bath to figure all this out" Hermione smirked and nudged Harry's arm, something which caused him to roll his eyes

He'd told Hermione about the clue earlier in the  morning. His options had been running thin since the second task was only a week away and he had made absolutely no progress

Despite the heft progress he'd made with Cedric in pretty much every other regard, his attempts of getting help on this next task had all proved useless. Cedric insisted that he did it himself, something which angered Harry immensely

"Tell me Harry you're my best friend!!" Hermione was practically begging now, pulling at his sleeve and frowning at him. The type of frown he'd learnt from Ron, was unwise to question

"W-we had a bath" Harry stammered out, feeling a wave of embarrassment halt him from explaining anything further

Hermione rolled her eyes and sighed, "Fine then. I'm not helping you" her voice was rather matter of factly as she slammed the book in front of her closed and crossed her arms over her chest

"B-but you can't!" Harry blurted out, coming to full wakefulness at the realization that without her he'd make a complete fool of himself in front of not only his school but two others as well. The dragon was purely luck, luck which wouldn't hold up for the second task to come

"Then tell me, or else I will" Hermione smirked triumphantly, knowing full well she'd won the battle

"Fine then!" Harry fumed and rubbed his messy hair frantically, "I well ... we I guess...we went to the bathroom and we just kissed a little...but it wasnt—"

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