{ seven }

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"Oh would you two grow up and apologize to each other? I'm getting sick of this!" Hermione suddenly snapped her book shut and half screamed at the unsuspecting Harry and Ron

The sudden display of rage cane as a shock to Harry and Ron who hadn't been doing anything, apart from sitting in a heavy silence, but Hermione had finally snapped. Harry suspected that the stubborn silence Ron and himself were sharing only made Hermione more frustrated 

She breathed heavily, alternating glares at her sides where Harry and Ron sat tensely. A look on her face that was so feral Harry thought she might return to her brief catlike state from two years before

When the silence pressed on Hermione smacked each boy's shoulder with her particularly large book she was reading for no reason other than her own personal enjoyment, something both Harry and Ron would never understand

"Why should I apologize? I didn't do anything!" Harry exclaimed rubbing his shoulder from the surprisingly hard blow, "If anything he should be the one apologizing to me" Harry muttered darkly

"That's not helping Harry" Hermione shot curtly. She'd been scolding him for days about his stubborn childish attitude and Harry was sick of it, "I'm serious you two, this is such an idiotic thing to fight about! Would you just talk to each other please?!"

"Why even try talking with him? He'll probably just start on about how great he thinks he is" Ron said as he shoved a very large bite of breakfast into his mouth

A menacing frown settled on Harry's face but he refused to acknowledge the comment, he wouldn't give Ron the satisfaction of knowing the comment had succeeded in causing him more irritation

"You know what? If you two are going to continue to act like nutters then I'm not going to waste my time doing your work anymore. I'm done! I'm not helping either of you with any of your homework until you sort things out like adults!"

Ron scoffed and began to argue with Hermione's sudden decision, Harry however just seemed to grow more and more empty, yet at the same time full of steadily growing unattended rage

Harry let out a grumble and picked uninterestedly at his pitiful breakfast, since he had been selected as a champion he hadn't had any appetite at all. He suspected it had to do with how suddenly awful everything had become

He hadn't felt as despised as he felt currently since he was suspected as being the heir of Slytherin, but at least when that was happening he had his best friend's support ... something he secretly craved at the moment

"Potter! Pottah!"

Harry whirled his head around, ready to strangle the source of the all too familiar voice

Malfoy. Of course, the Slytherin always had had a talent for reaching Harry in times when he was in the most irritable moods 

"Looking a little down Potter, though I guess its to be expected when the whole school hates you"

The Slytherin table began to howl with laughter, a sound that caused Harry to clench his fists. His anger was bubbling up to a point he knew he wouldn't be able to contain

"Don't worry Potter it'll be over soon...the first task will put a quick end to you not doubt about it"

Another wave of laughter fuelled Harry's vexation, though before he could act on it Hermione rose to her feet, pulling Harry along with her 

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