"Do i make myself damn clear Smith?"

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Isabella's POV

I groaned,getting out off bed as my alarm went on

After 30 minutes I was done.When I checked the time it was 7:32 and school start at 8:00.I quickly grabbed my bag,phone,purse,headsets and left my room.

I was wearing simple.

A high waist white summer shorts, a blue blouse, some flat shoes and let my hair down.

I placed my staff on the kitchen counter and grabbed an apple.I made my way upstairs and took a deep breath before making a knock.

"Ernest it's me open up"
"Its open princess "

As I opened the door he was standing in front of the mirror doing his hair.He wore a blue jean and a white tshirt.We were matching but upside down .

" hurry the fuck up I dont wanna be late " I crossed my arms looking at him as he turned to face me.

"I'm done woman!!.." he said throwing his hands up in the air....damn he was so fucken sexy.

He made me choose a car and I went with a black Mercedes Benz.

We arrived at school at 7:49.

As we got off the car,there were so many stares on us.I couldn't put my mind to what was going on until I came to mind that I got off the  hottest young and handsome billionaire  Ernest Smith!!.

As we walked through the hallway girls were calling Ernest's,some even saying they can fyck him at any time.I was starting to get sick of all the disrespect so I started walking faster leaving him behind.

I thought he would run after me or something but when I looked back he was surrounded by a bunch of hoes giving them my smile!.

I got into class and sat down with anger all over me.

I placed my bag on the floor and took out my biology book and pen.As  I was tapping the pen on my desk boringly,I felt a soft hand on my right shoulder.

I turned around and my eyes landed on a pair of luminous brown eyes.

"Hey " he gave me a beautiful smile not showing any of his teeth though.
"Hi" I returned the smile.
"My name is Jason Jackson " he said brightly.
"Oh nice to know you" I smiled " I'm Isabella Knowles " we shook hands and I turned to face front.

After a minute Mrs Van Vreekr Allison entered the class holding biology books in her hands.She placed them on her desk and sat on the corner of the desk with one leg placed on the floor.She seemed like she was going to announce something.

"Okay class listen up " we all paid attention as she continued...

"I've got both bad news and good news for y'all,now the bad news is that Mr Chris Jacob is no longer with us here at school. He got a transfer for a new school. Now the good news is that Mr Jason Jackson, our new student will be replacing Chris. So I want all of you to show him res-..."

The door got bursted open revealing none other than Ernest.He was making his way to his seat when Mrs Allison stopped him.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going " he turned around now face to face with her.

"To my seat" he said sarcastically rolling his eyes.

"You do realize that you're late young man"

"Two minutes late,yeah I do realize "

" I dont care!!You are never to be late in my class everrrrr....again,am I clear?"

He gave her a frown almost making me laugh at how of a child he looked being reprimanded.

"Do I make my Damn self  clear Smith?"
"Yes sir" he made a salute motion and the whole class bursted out laughing.

"Excuse me??"

"My sincere apology, I meant mam" he laughed and made his way to his seat which was behind Jason.

As he said down he mumbled something, well not exactly mumbled cause the whole class broke into laughter.

" Next time try looking more like a woman, we dont want our girlfriends hitting up on you." 

The room filled with loud laughter making Mrs Allison to stand up with an angry face.

"Did you say something young man?"


We were on the last period which was English, Mr Raven's period.

"Okay class before you disperse I have an assignment for you guys" some learners groaned while some turned to mumble some things to their friends. I was beyond irritated myself.

"Not this agin old man" I turned looking at the back seat to see Ernest who had buried his face on the desk snoring jokingly pretending to be asleep. Few learners laughed and I just rolled my eyes in his dumbness.

" So here's what I'm gonna do,I'm going to pair you up and each pair is expected to interview 10 working people,their jobs must be distinct okay.In each and every interview you are bound to find out the person's position,role and whatsoever.The limit is full 6 pages.This is a 3 week assignment. Today its Monday the 29th,it is due on the 16th on Friday. I expect all of you to participate and work together. I need no shit from you so do me proud."

I was paired with the new student ,Jason.Ernest was with some girl called Sydney. A total bitch and that perturbed me so much cause she was known for taking other people's boyfriends, so I didn't trust her with mine.At all!.

During lunch time,I was with Jason since Ernest was with his squad : Jake,Jade and Travis.They  were the most vulgar group of boys in our school.

Rich,handsome,hot and not forgetting that they were players!

His bestfriend was Travis,they met in primary and their relationship was just  too authentic to be broken by some hoes or anything of that sort.

"Hey can I join you guys?"

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