games on the road.

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Isabella's POV

"How're you feeling?" Keyshia asked as she sat with me in the waiting room,waiting for Dr Rabbit.

"Great," I began, " I just cant wait for the rest of the days and months to fly by so my little one can be born." I said.

"Tell me about it..." she smiled.

"Girl,is that a new .....?" She looked fixedly at the diamond piece hung around my neck.

"Yep." I answered .

"So lemme guess..." she began, " he just bought it for you for no reason?"

"Right guess." I lightly laughed. "You know him."

"Oh trust me, I sure do." She laughed ."He-"

She was cut off as the door opened.

"Mrs. Isabella Smith." Nurse Betty called out as Keyshia and I stood up.

"Betty,hi." I greeted with a smile, " is he ready for me?" I asked.

She smiled sweetly and nodded. She gestured me to go inside and soon followed me.

We entered the room and She took my vitals.

"So good to see you,Mrs.Smith." Dr.Rabbit said with a smile.

"Same goes to you ,doc" I returned the smile

"So let's check up in this baby." He said,"Rest back in this." He said and I did as He said.

I unbuttoned my blazer and relaxed back.

"Fifteen weeks now right?"

"Oh yes.Almost four months. "

"Okay,let's check out this child,shall we?"

He plastered a freezing cold clear solution on my stomach.


The air whooshed past,my hair flying wildly in the wind.It was a beautiful day and I just came from eating lunch with Rosalia. I smiled brightly as I pushed further on the gas and listening to the engine.

I dismissed Nathan and Honest because I just wanted to drive for after what felt like a year.I was driving my red Jeep,opened sunroof.

My smile grew bigger as I neared a blue BMW and swerved into the empty lane.I pushed the Jeep further, faster.

Damn the traffic!

I groaned,honking my horn  in  annoyance and began tailgating whoever was in the BMW in fron of me.

How the fuck could people be so fucken dumb slow?

"Ohh come the fuck on!" I yelled to myself in frustration.

Finally the car began speeding up.

I grinned as I passed the stupid car and resumed my 120 mph speed.

I slowed down as soon as my eyes landed on the flashing red and blue lights behind me.A loud annoying siren began ringing in my ears.

"Are you fucking kidding me!!!"

I sped up, pretending not to notice and began driving even faster.

I mean what could they possibly do to the wife of Ernest Smith?.that's it,nothing bitches😜.

All four lanes of the freeway way had been filled with slow fucken stupid drivers going 70 mph.

"Good!Just fucken great!" I groaned.

I slowed down,since I had no fucken Choice and passed the "do not pass" lines.

I looked on my mirror and saw a skinny blond cop approaching my car.

"License and registration please." The officer said as I opened the window.

"And what seems to be wrong,what did I do officer?" I asked,faking a deep rich accent as I fake-smiled innocently.

He looked at me as if I was dense," You were speeding,ma'am."

"Well...I didn't think I was you know." I shrugged a shoulder

"License and registration,please ma'am." He repeated, his face turning into a smirk.

"I got a plan hunny," I began and he narrowed his eyebrows at me," we forget about this shit and go grab some coffee,how's that?"

"Sounds nice but I'll pass.I dont do the laws,I just enforce them." He said," now can I see your license miss?"

"No longer ma'am" I laughed sarcastically " and its Mrs not miss." I clarified with a bored look.

"My apologies, so you are  married?" He smirked, leaning on the window.

"Apology shoved back in your pink ass hole." I hollered and he seemed to be surprised by my sudden mood change.

That's right,now you get to know her!.

"But imma be calm..." I said as I closed my eyes and dramatically inhaled and exhaled.

"I'm just warning you to leave me the fuck alone that's all,officer. Cause I dont think my husband is gonna be all happily dovey when he find out about this.And we don't want you losing your job now do we,blondey?"

He stood up straight and crossed his arms.

"And what would happen to be your 'scary husband's name?" He stupidly laughed.

"Ernest." I started the engine," Smith." I said looking straight into his eyes.

"Next time,think before you stop me cause your life depends on your attitude towards the princess of the Smith family."

With that,I sped up.

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