Just another day in Bali.

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Isabella's POV.

The sun burning my eyes made me groan and open them.

I placed a light kiss on Ernest's lips and went to take a bath.

After bathing I went over my closet and took out my red mini skirt, and a white crop top that had a cartoon mermaid on it.And I had my white sneakers and did two ponytails on my hair.

I grabbed my phone and went downstairs to prepare breakfast.

After 30 minutes I was done.I placed two plates on the table and put on hot pancakes and some syrup to make them even yummy.

As soon as I finished pouring drinks,Ernest walked in looking so handsome.

He had a grey shirt on and some black jeans. And his hair a bit messy but nice.

"Smells amazing." I smiled and we both sat down.

"You look handsome by the way. " I said and he smiled at me.

"You look cute and pretty on your ponytails. " I giggled and we ate.

"Plans for the day?" I asked shoving some pancakes in my mouth.

"Well.....I thought we could go shopping all day then come back and relax maybe..." he said more like questioned.

"Yaghhh." I said sticking out my tongue and he mumbled a gross.

"That's not nice princess. " he said taking both our plates and placing them in the sink.

"I know babe." I went over to him and crossed my arms around his neck,our eyes on each other.

"But that's too boring."  I said

"You know I can buy the whole mall for you right?" He said and I smiled.

"And you don't have to,I got whatever I need babe." I said and he sighed.

"Princess ......" he got interrupted by his phone ringing on the table.

He took it and it was not written any name.

"Hello?" He said and put it on speaker.

"Um hey it's me, Rosalia."

"Ohh hey Rosa its Bella."

"Hi bella,sorry to bother you guys but I hoped maybe we can hang out together today maybe?"

"Oh yeah that's actually a great idea since we didn't have plans and all." I said smiling.

"Cool I'll see you guys just now." She hang up .

"I'm not going anywhere. " Ernest said making his way to the living room and I followed him.

"Your choice." I sat sitting on the sofa changing the channel.

"What??you're not gonna beg me to come with you guys or something?" Ernest said taking a sit next to me and I looked at him with the 'are you kidding me look'.

"No." I said rolling my eyes.

"I thought that's what most girls do,beg their boyfriends to go almost anywhere with them."

"Well unfortunately I Isabella Knowles am not all girls. "

As he was about to reply,the door bell rang and I went to check.

It was Rosalia. She was wearing a black short skirt, a black white crop top and some boots.We kinda matched.

"Y'all are bewitching. " Ernest said coming to the door.

"No one knew. " I said

"But we look cute hey." She said and I nodded.

"C'mon let's get going guys."

"This douche-bag right here is uninterested in going out with us." I said crossing my arms over my chest looking over at Ernest.

"You girls go have fun,I'll be fine." He said and place a kiss on my forehead.

"Fineee.Call me after every 10 minutes okay." I said and he laughed.

"Princess you're not going back to Las Vegas,you're just going downtown. "

"Just.Fucken.Call.Me.After.Every.Ten.Minutes.Is.That.Clear? I broke down every word for him.

"Jeez fine."

"Good boy." I smirked and winked at him.

As Rosalia was about to start the car,Ernest came running towards it and knocked on my window.

"What?" I asked as soon as the window rolled down.

"Here" he handed me a black card which I took with lots of hesitation.

"Ernest I told you I got everything I need." I said with a serious face and he looked to Rosalia's side.

"Make sure she finishes all the money in that card okay?"

"Yess sir." Rosalia said laughing...

"Good." He said smiling. "I want it clean." He leaned over and we kissed.

"See you my love." He said and I laughed

"Ewwww " I said and he walked off laughing.

"See you princess. " He said and I blew him a kiss

"That's more like it." I said and we left.

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