"Grocery Shopping"

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Isabella's POV

We were now done eating.A new waitress served us,thank goodness!Then we left.

"So when are we going back home?" I asked looking at Ernest who he kept his eyes on the road, driving.

"We just got here princess." He said eyes still on the road. "What you wanna leave already?" He glanced at me.

"What,no!I was just asking." I said calmly.

"Got me worried for a second." He laughed

"Nah I'm just worried about work and the fact that I left without informing anyone, you know."

"Work is well taken care of,Rendy is there.And dont worry about anyone." He gave me a small smile.

"If you say so." I smiled back.

"You know its been long since I screamed your nickname." I said biting my lip but he didn't look at me or respond.

Ohh no he wasn't gonna pretend like he didn't hear me....

My eyes staring at his side,I slid my hand slowly close to his manhood. Barely touching it,I felt him tighten up.

that's my boy!

"I'm talking to you...." I said seductively and unzipped his jeans then freed his cock out of his boxers.

"Dont do t-that.." he choked as I began throbbing his member.

"I'm not doing anything.." I said innocently.

I went a bit faster and he moaned,tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.

Smirking, I decided to tease him a bit.

I leaned down slowly.....

"Isabella what the fuck are you doin-" ...he was cut off when I took his cock inside my mouth and started licking and sucking.

"Fuck,fuck, fuck..." he gasped as I buried his member deeper in my mouth.

Satisfied about my little tease, I pulled back,grabbed my phone and played a game.

"Oh no,you did not just do that.." he said in a  surprised voice looking at me.

"What,what did I do?" I shrugged looking at him then back at my screen.

"You're gonna pay princess...." he said holding the steering wheel with one hand and the other, putting his member inside his boxers.

"We'll see..." I winked


It was around 8:00 at night and we were in a store since I suggested that we go buy some grocery for the house.

"Crackers?" He asked

"One box"  I answered.


"Eight of them. Two strawberry, two chocolate,two fruit-cocktail and two  blue berry." I said.

"Oka-yy..." replied loading them in the cart. "Cookies?" He asked.

"Let's go for twelve boxes." I replied without any hesitation.

He looked away from the shelves and turned to me with a silly look.

"What??" I asked,rolling my eyes.

"Geezz that's a freggen lot woman.Cut that in half,yeah?" He put six boxes in the cart.

"Either you add the other six to make my twelve or I'll fly back to L.V first thing in the morning." I threatened with a devilish smirk.

"Finee.." he threw the other six more boxes in the cart.

"Good boy..." I smirked.

"You do know that I'm only allowing that because I love you not because of your lame threats right?"

I chuckled. "That is certainly not why,Smith." I crossed my arms.

"Why then?" He asked further.

" Sex mister." I replied

He gasped, "fuck no.That is totally no why." He exclaimed.

I laughed sarcastically. " Sure. What ever helps you feel clever than me." I told him.

The whole store was quite dead. I think it was only Ernest and I in there beside the staff.

"I love you." He whispered as he came behind me.

I couldn't help but smile.

"So when are we getting pregnant?" All of the sudden,he asked as we arrived at the till.

Both me and the cashier looked weird at him.

"Wait what?" I asked,eyes widened.

"Whe   are   we   getting    pregnant?? He asked again, slowly.

"Its her who gets pregnant not you..." The cashier corrected him,laughing.

Ernest turned to her with no smile." Well nobody asked you,fat pig." He retorted.

The cashier's face went blur as she looked down and checked herself ...

"Babe no!"

"Yeah well nobody was talking to her so I don't understand why she gotta be so forward."

I looked at him in disbelief then turned to the lady.

"I'm so sorry. " I muttered and she sadly nodded.

We picked our shopping bags and we were about to walk out when we had a voice behind us say...

"Ugly ass dick."

ohh no she did not....

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