hussy receptionist.

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Isabella's POV

It was the first going to the other company that Ernest was handling.

I just wanted to talk to him about Chris,the baby and everything.

Pulling at the company's parking lot, I grabbed my Dior handbag and my phone then got out.

I walked in and the inside was very splendid. The company was a glass building about 79 floors up high.

I walked to the receptionist who just ignored my presence.

damn she don't who just walked in...

"Morning." I greeted her and she answered without looking up.

I saw her nametag on her white shirt which read ,Jessica Evan's.

bitchy name.hmh.

She had brown hair which was tight up into a tight bun,brown eyes with high cheek bones.She was wearing an black shirt pencil skirt with a white shirt which showed too much of her big balloons.

"I'm here to see Ernest Smith." I said trying to control the shit she was giving me.

"Who are you and do you have an appointment with Mr.Smith?" She asked still not looking up as she was so busy focusing on whatever she was doing on the computer.

"I'm Isabella Smith and I don't think 'Mr.Smith' would be pleased to hear that his bitchy ass ugly receptionist got a hussy attitude towards his preacious 'wife.' "

I said with a satisfied smirk when her head snapped up to look at me for the first time at the mention of the name 'wife'.

"Oh-I'm so sorry, i-i didn't know that you were his wif-" She started trembling nervously

"Just the fuck up and tell me where my man at." I said petulantly.

"Take the elevator to the 79th floor and ask the person you meet to direct you ma'am." She said blinking her nervous eyes a few times.

"Next time,I'll kill you if you give me that type of attitude. What?You think I'm you're fucken friend or something?"

"Well I didn't know that-" I cut her off.

"Did you care to?" I asked/yelled.

"N-oo" she looked down.

"That's-what-I-fucken-thought-bitchy-ass-bitch!" I spat bitterly.

"Do that again,imma fucken kill you.You not my friend, you not my cousin, you not my maid,you not my pet ,you aint fucken shit to me,you feel ?I will kill you,fix your  glut full of shit mouth." I apprised her coldly.

"Ye-s ma'am." She nodded

"Get the fuck back to work." I said the most grodiest manner.

I walked away.

I entered the elevator and clicked on the 79th floor.

After a few minutes,the door opened and I saw a lady with black hair behind a desk.

As I approached her,she looked up and smiled at my direction.

"Good morning,I'm Jane. How many I help you fine lady?"  She greeted/asked politely.

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