Chapter 8

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I woke up full of positive energy. I was even smiling in my sleep. It was surprising that I was happy to go to school. I prepared quickly. Before I left, I put a few things to decorate my locker with inside my bag. I had a peanut butter sandwich and orange juice.

"OMG, I'm already running late.... I realized when I checked my watch. I quickly drove to school. I parked my car where I did yesterday cause I didn't want any unnecessary Maddie drama. The bell rang immediately  I entered inside. I quickly found my way to my class.

"Hey Isla, come sit here," Tori said pointing to an empty seat between her and Kenz.

"Good morning guys."

"Good morning dearie, how was your night?"

"It was good thanks."

Kenz, Tori and I had all the classes before lunch together. When the lunch bell rang, we all walked to the cafeteria. Owen and Josh were already sitting at our usual table.

"Hey guys,"

"Hey love." Owen was talking to Tori. He smiled at Kenz and I.

"Hey Kenz, how are you?" Josh asked smiling widely at Kenz. There was this look in his eyes but I didn't dwell much on them.

"I'm good," She replied and smiled.

"Hey Isla,"

"Hey Josh."

"Enough chit chat. Lets get something to eat." Owen said.

We grabbed our lunch and sat down to eat when we heard a familiar annoying voice.

....."Hey losers," you guessed right, it was Maddie and her girls. Don't Kyra and Lily have any other important thing to do other than following her around......

"And why the heck are you here?" Tori asked turning to face her.

Maddie was surprised at the tone Tori used to speak to her but she tried not to show it. I liked Tori. She was a kind of no nonsense babe.

"We didn't come here for you, we came for Isla," Kyra said. All eyes in the cafeteria had already turned towards us.

"What do you guys want?" I asked and stood up to face her.

"I can't believe Carl, Jace and Caleb invited you to sit with us and you refused because of these losers...."

"Hey you better mind your language before you loose your tongue," Tori hissed.

"How does my refusal affect you?" I asked Maddie.

"I don't really care. In fact, I'm here to warn you. Don't come near our table or near Carl cause if you do...."

"What would you do?" I interrupted her calmly. I knew my calmness was getting on her nerves but it didn't bother me. In fact, I liked it.

"I know girls like you," she said. You pretend not to be interested in anything. You act all innocent but all you want to do is steal people's boyfriends. Stay away from Carl, he's mine." She was yelling now.

"Aren't you tired of repeating the same thing  over and over again? Well, if you aren't tired of saying it, I am very much tired of hearing it. If you don't mind please leave cause you are starting to embarrass yourself. As you can see, we were having lunch before you showed up." I said and sat back down, turning my back to her.

"......You.....urggghhhh......" She stomped out. Kyra and Lily followed behind her.

Immediately they left, Kenz, Tori, Owen and Josh burst into laughter. I couldn't help it, I joined in.

"Wow, good job Isla," Josh said.

"Yh, I have never seen anyone infuriate Maddie that much." Owen said still laughing.

"I loved the way you handled that babe.....high five...." Tori said.

"That serves her right," Kenz said. "She's just jealous of you," she added.

"Hey I have an idea, you guys should start your own group. You can call yourselves....the ITK girls," Josh said smiling.

"That's a great idea," Owen said. "I would be proud to have my girlfriend in the group," he added.

"Ohhh!! So you weren't proud of me huh?" Tori said feigning annoyance.

"Oh common sweetheart, you know I'm always proud of you," he kissed her cheek and she smiled.

I squeezed Kenz's hand slightly and she smiled. "I'm fine," she whispered to me.

"We don't have to form any sort of group. That's a ridiculous idea Josh," Kenz said and Josh smiled.

"Yes, we are all friends and thats all that matters." Tori added.

"Kenz, I brought a few things to decorate my locker with."

"That's great. Tori and I would help you. Right Tori?"

"Of course," Tori replied. The bell rang and we all went back to our classes.

We met at our locker after school. Coincidentally, our lockers were together. We got to work on my locker. Pink was my favourite colour so everything I used to decorate was pink.

"It looks great," Kenz said when we were done.

"I think am getting jealous," Tori jokingly said. "I'm seriously thinking about changing my best colour from purple to pink," she said grinning.

I laughed. "What's your fav colour Kenz?"

"Yellow." She replied.

I put a small picture of me and my dad. I admit, my locker was looking nice but it still needed something. I pulled out a small poster of KOR and attached it to the door. Now its perfect.

"O..M..G!!! You love KOR too?" Kenz and Tori said at the same time.

"Of course, its my all time favourite rock band," I said grinning widely.

......Keep on Rocking!!! We all sang and burst into laughter
"I'm glad we have that in common." Kenz said.

"I wonder what else we have in common," Tori said. "Are you perhaps the last born of your family?" She asked.

"No, I'm the only child," I replied.

"That's nice. I have an elder brother. He's in college and Kenz has a younger brother."

I was happy that we were gradually getting to know one another. Many people passed and stopped to compliment my locker.

"I have to get going now," Kenz said.

"I think we should all get going," I said.

We hugged and said our goodbyes. I exchanged numbers with Tori and also went home.


Thanks for reading. Have you clicked on the star yet😟 pls do and don't also forget to comment to make me really happy. I love you....💖💖

A/N: I'm really sorry that it took me so long to update. I've been kinda busy and distracted since the past week. But I'll try my best to update once or twice a week. Thanks for your usual support.

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