Chapter 26

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Hey guys :)

I just want you guys to know that this book hasn't been properly edited so there are bound to be some little mistakes.

Thanks for reading :)


"Hey bitch!!!"

That's been so long I heard it. My crazy cousin. Crazy in a good way though.

"Hey Britt," I said excitedly.

"I thought you must have forgotten my name." She joked and I laughed. "I've missed you so much Britt. You didn't even call me to say hi."

"You didn't either," she quipped.

"Touche." I said and we laughed.

"So what has been going on with your life that made you forget lil ol' me." She asked.

"Nothing much. Just a bit of highschool and boy drama here and there."

"That's the best kind of drama. I want all the details but not now because we would have a lot time to talk after the new year."

"What do you mean after the new year?" I asked her skeptically.

"You know I'm taking a year break before I get into college right?"

"Uh-huh." I replied affirmatively.

"So I've asked your dad and he agreed." She said. I was still confused.

"Agreed to do what?" I asked again.

"Get ready bitch 'cause I'm coming to shake your house. I'm coming over to stay with you in January." She shouted. I screamed with excitement. "Are you serious or you're just bluffing?" I grinned.

"As serious as a heart attack girlfriend."

"OMGGGGG!!!! I'm so excited." I squealed.

"I am too. We'll talk later. Byeeee..."

"Bye Britt." I said and hung up. Brittney is my only cousin. Her dad is my mum's elder brother and my only uncle. This is because my dad is the only child. She was my closest friend before we moved. She is a year older than me but she understands me perfectly. I really can't wait for her to be here.

My excitement didn't wear off even after I fell asleep.


It's Christmas Eve and I'm in my room face timing with Kenz and Tori. Dad wasn't able to come back. He actually planned to come yesterday but there was a blizzard and it caused all the roads leading here to be blocked. Even flights had been cancelled because of it. I can't say I wasn't extremely sad about everything. What's not to be sad about, I was gonna spend Christmas alone but at least I would be able to go to Mel's Christmas Eve party.

"Which one do you think I should wear?" I asked Kenz and Tori while holding up two dresses. A red long sleeved, V neck lace top dress and an halter neck yellow formal dress.

"I prefer the red one," Tori said. "The yellow one is a bit too formal but the red one is both classy and formal."

"Yh," Kenz agreed, "plus it's Christmas, so red is the best colour."

"Thanks. You guys are darlings," I said and smiled. "We know," both Kenz and Tori said the same time.


"Jinx again."

"You owe me soda." We all burst into laughter. "I miss you guys." I said solemnly.

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