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Liked by 659,573 people CiCi: party at mine tonight

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CiCi: party at mine tonight. Gonna get wild 💋


"You're coming tonight, right?" Ashton looks across the room to his best friend sprawled across the couch.

"I feel like I have to." Calum sighs, running a hand over his short hair, the blue nearly gone with no intentions to re-dye it the unnatural color.

"It's going to be fun. CiCi's parties are always fun." KayKay rolls her eyes at Calum from her spot on the chair.

"You're not a single guy seen as prey. You wouldn't be saying the same if you were. Her or one of her little minions are always trying to do me in and get me on their gossip blogs for something. I don't go to her parties to relax and unwind, I go because I have to. I barely drink so I can keep my wits about me, and I avoid her little group like the plague." Calum groans.

"She's really not that bad, Cal." Ashton laughs.

"Again, you are not single. The one line she never seems to let any of her minions cross is that one. Taken is taken even to CiCi Moore. Unfortunately, for more reasons than just her parties, I am not taken."

"Go home and get dressed, Cal, we will pick you up in a couple hours. You are going to enjoy the new year with all of us." KayKay rolls her eyes at his dramatic antics.

The real problem lies in the fact that to everyone else, it is a dramatic antic. To all of Calum's friends CiCi's parties are just fun. While being in relationships they are outside her victim circle, and thus outside the circle of attack. They don't have to watch their step in front of her, because CiCi Moore doesn't ruin relationships, she pries on the single and easy. A category Calum could be the king of...


Two hours later Calum exits the front of his ivy covered home, locking the door behind him, Roy at his side, having offered to be his wingman tonight among all the couples and leeches known to attend these parties. Dressed up as much as he could muster in a grey tank, black jeans and his leather jacket, his keys shoved into a pocket to be left in the console of Ashton's car as to not be lost.

"I'm going to help you enjoy tonight, Cal. We're going into 2020, it's gonna be a big year for you, I can feel it." Roy claps him on the shoulder as they head to join Ashton and KayKay.

"I just don't want to end up with one of CiCi's minions." He sighs, "And I'm lonely as fuck so..." He shrugs, sliding across the back seat as soon as he pulls the door open.

"You brought a friend, Cal." Ashton laughs, "How's it going, Roy?"

"Great, good to see you both."

"You too. Has your attitude improved yet, Calum?" KayKay eyes him from her place in the passenger seat.

"You look very nice tonight, Kaitlin." He smiles a tight lipped smile that more than answers her question.

"Tonight we get Cal drunk." KayKay nods, "So let's get to this party and get that started."

"I have literally told you like five times, I cannot get drunk at this party."

"I'll be sober and you know it, Cal, I'll watch out for you. Let go for a night." Ashton calls back to his best friend.

"You better stay sober or I'll kick your ass, Ashton, you've been doing so well for months." Calum chuckles.

"Not before I do, Calum, believe me. We aren't letting him fall off this accomplishment just because it's New Years Eve. He's worked so hard to destroy this demon." KayKay smiles fondly over at Ashton, reaching her hand across the console to grasp his elbow softly.

"My point," Ashton rolls his eyes at Calum in the rear view mirror, "is that I will be sober this time, you have a level head watching out for you. Enjoy the night, alright?"

"Ya. So long as you promise to help me stay out of stupid situations."

"What do you think I've been doing for the last eight years?" Ashton laughs.

"Well depending on the day, either helping me stay out of them or create them. There is very little in between."

"That is a fact." KayKay laughs.

"Well in this case, I will be helping you stay out of one." Ashton chuckles.

Calum relaxes slightly as he settles back into his seat, at least he knows Ashton is being honest, he won't be drinking. His struggles with alcohol had hit a nasty point over the summer, and he had made the choice to sober up almost completely. The only drink Calum had seen him take in months had been one flute of Champagne the night the band celebrated their eight year anniversary together.

He'd never admit it aloud, but Calum thinks the issues the alcohol caused on Ashton's relationship with KayKay was a huge factor in him finally making the choice to sober up. When it pushed her away enough for her to call it quits until he figured himself out, he finally really focused and did. It was a hard few months, watching his best friend nearly lose the love of his life, watching him try to sober up while touring, a tour that none of them particularly loved being on to boot... No, Ashton needed this New Years restart as much or more than any of them.

"Ash," Calum sighs, "You should just enjoy the night with KayKay. You guys deserve to have this night to restart after the year you've had. I'll keep myself out of trouble."

"You deserve to enjoy the night too, Calum. Don't worry about us." KayKay turns to smile at him.

"No, I'm serious, 2019 was fucked for you guys. It was bleh for me, but I definitely had a better year than you two. Enjoy ringing in the new year together. A new start after what hopefully was your worst year."

"We can enjoy and look out for you, Calum. Accept that answer. You deserve to enjoy it as much as we do. Maybe 2020 will be your year. Maybe tonight you meet the love of your life and start new too. But if you're brooding and angry and pissy, no girl is going to want that." KayKay chuckles.

"I highly doubt my soulmate is found at a CiCi Moore party. But nice try, Kay." Calum chuckles.

"Always so negative about these things." Roy laughs, "You never know where you'll meet her, Cal. Accept that it could be at the party tonight, or at the grocery store next week, or maybe you'll crash your car into hers and it will be love at first sight. Things like this happen in weird ways. Be open to it and you'll find it eventually."

"Says the one who also is single." Calum poke fun.

"At least I'm open to the idea that it could happen anytime, and when it does I won't be too stubborn to see it." Roy shrugs.

"I highly doubt it will happen at a CiCi Moore party, but if it does I'll owe you all." Calum rolls his eyes.

"I'm holding you to that, Cal." Ashton laughs.

"I have no doubt you will."

Welcome to another Calum Hood story.

This one is going to be different, and hopefully you all love it and don't unstan my stories by the time we are done.

Remember to add this to your libraries! I'm so excited to take you on the adventure of Calum and CiCi! Chapter two will be up tomorrow and then we will go back to an every other day update schedule again for chapter three and so on!

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I love you guys!!

~M =)

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