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Liked by CalumHood, Britbrat, and 329,473 others

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Liked by CalumHood, Britbrat, and 329,473 others.
CiCi: hey Sydney, let's do something crazy. 🖕🏻💋

Calum didn't even care that people would see his like on her post. He was fucked anyway, no reason to try and hide the facts when they would be blatantly obvious to the whole world in a matter of hours at longest. His own face, her handy work on his neck, and who knows what rumors.

It scared him slightly, the absolute zero amount of fucks he gave. He knew his bandmates would have something to say about it and he knew they wouldn't hold back. He knew it could end in fire and brimstone for him. And he knew he was probably being completely stupid... But despite it all, he wasn't embarrassed or regretting a single minute of the previous night.

That's not true. He wished they could have done without the screaming match. He'd made the decision last night, with a sober and conscious mind, he would not yell again if she followed him across the world. She has made it known she is not only a spoiled brat. She is human, she hurts, she is alone, and she needs some support. And fuck anyone who tells him he shouldn't be that support, because he wants to be that support, and as a grown man he gets to make that call for himself.

His phone pings beside him as he finishes steaming his pants, grabbing it as the fabric cools.

My Boys

Hickeys? Her hotel?
Really Cal? You're
going there?

A link to the article he knew was coming attached, his photo had been sold to make someone else money.

Clicking the attachment he waits a moment before the news article loads.

CalCi is Undeniable!

Calum Hood (5 Seconds of Summer) and Cecilia Moore (CiCi) have been linked more and more over the last six or so weeks, but today we got a confirmation that is practically undeniable

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Calum Hood (5 Seconds of Summer) and Cecilia Moore (CiCi) have been linked more and more over the last six or so weeks, but today we got a confirmation that is practically undeniable.

Fans of both Hood and CiCi were surprised when the latter ended up on a plane to Sydney two days ago. Hood, who hails from the outskirts of the Australian capital, was already in the city where his band will play a set during tonight's FireFight Festival to raise funds for the fires plaguing the nation.

In the early hours of the morning Hood was seen exiting a hotel across the city from where his band is staying, a large bruising on the left of his neck, no doubt the work of the person he spent his night with. More intriguing, Cecilia Moore is listed as a guest at the hotel and fans and critics alike agree, a relationship of some kind between Calum Hood and CiCi is more than confirmed.

Opinions on the couple range from one extreme to the other across Hood's fandom as well as CiCi's, and we want to know your thoughts on the matter.

Closing out of the article Calum rolls his eyes, glancing at his neck in the mirror over the dresser. She had done a number on his neck, the bruising purple and blue against his tan skin. He probably should have stopped her, knowing they are performing not only on national television but global tonight, as well as filming a music video over the next few days. The makeup department can hate him later. He liked how it looked, the big one, and a few smaller shadows of her lips ghosted around it.

Leaving Ashton's text unanswered he pulls on his outfit, taking time to lace his Doc Martens before exiting the hotel room to meet the others at the car. Knowing his not answering will only last another ten minutes tops.

Managing to get the elevator to himself he rides down to the lobby in silence. His mind wizzing with how the impending conversation, more likely argument, will go with his bandmates.

"Calum." Doug nods as he steps out of the elevator, the large security guard falling into step right behind him as he heads for the door, exiting into the alleyway behind the hotel where their car waits without fans or media.

"The man of the hour." Nate smiles tight-lipped, clearly annoyed as well by his latest splash across the tabloids.

"They're just rumors, Nate," He sighs, ducking into the SUV.

"Rumors your neck keeps confirming." Luke rolls his eyes at Calum, "Did she actually draw blood last night?"

"Not on my neck." Calum quips quickly, his joke falling on deaf ears as everyone else glares at him.

"Alright, alright." He rolls his eyes, holding his hands up defensively.

"What are you playing at, Calum?" Ashton asks with a heavy tone, frustration clear in his eyes.

"I'm a grown adult. I've made my choice, accept it." Calum tries, knowing there's no way in hell his friends will accept or drop it.

"How did you turn from despising CiCi with every fiber of your being to letting her do things like that to you?" Michael asks, his voice less harsh but no less filled with concern.

"I've got to know her. She's not who I thought she was, and I honestly don't really care what you guys think. She hasn't tried to play me in over a week, she hasn't tried to do anything. Her socials have been tame in comparison to what they were before I showed up at her place last week."

"He really thinks he's tamed the CiCi beast in a week? With a couple fucks?" Ashton almost scoffs.

"I didn't tame her, she's not an animal. I've got to know her. And I like what I've found in her."

"Babylon." Luke chuckles humorlessly under his breath.

"Excuse me?" Calum turns sharply to his friend.

"Burn too bright, when the fire's gone... Well, we'll watch it all fall down. Babylon." Luke clarifies. "You sing the damn song you should know it."

"We're not in a relationship. She's not my girlfriend. There is no way for us to implode when there is nothing to set fire to in the first place."

"You're leaving a trail of kindling ready to burn you to the ground, Calum, and we hate watching you do that..." Michael shakes his head, "but also you're right. You are a grown adult and you have to make the choice for yourself. I hope you get your fucking head back on straight before it kills you, emotionally, mentally, and especially physically."

"I'll take care of myself thanks." He sighs, pulling his phone out as it vibrates against his leg.


I got invited to the
afterparty tonight.
Are you going to yell
at me if I show?

Please, by all means
come. I'll keep my
eye out for you. I want
to buy you a drink.

See you tonight
Hood. I'll be looking
hot for you.

Calum said fuck it I like her...

How will that decision play out?

Vote and comment!

I love you guys!!!

~M =)

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