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"Cecilia?" She frowns at the sound of his voice, he hadn't told her he was coming home.

"Cecilia, are you home?" Her dad's voice comes again.

"Just a second!" She calls back, finishing up her makeup and cleaning up her vanity before making her way out of her room.

"Dad?" She calls as she reaches the main floor, not seeing him in the immediate area.

"CiCi." He comes around the corner, his smile wide and dark hair slightly grey around his hairline.

"Hi- who's this?" Her smile falters as a dark haired woman follows him. She is age appropriate which is somehow the least shocking of the features her mind picks up on.

"CiCi, this is Robin. Robin, this is my daughter, Cecilia, but she prefers CiCi."

"Oh! It's so nice to meet you, CiCi! Your dad has told me so much about you. I do hope we can be good friends." Robin grins, stepping forward.

CiCi backs up as Robin moves forward, her eyes turning to her dad instead, "Already?" She spits in disgust, spinning on her heels and running up the stairs.

"CiCi!" she can hear him calling after her but she doesn't care. Storming into her closet without a second thought she yanks her carry-on suitcase from the shelf and starts shoving things into it. Shoes, pants, shirts, undergarments.

"Cecilia." Her dad is standing in the doorway to her room as she clears her makeup into the case.

"Fuck off." She spits, moving to her nightstand to find her wallet and passport, grabbing her phone charger also.

"Cecilia!" He tries harsher.

"I said fuck off. Or maybe go fuck Robin since she's here. Tell me dad, was the ink at least dry on the last divorce this time? Or was she around before that marriage ended?"

"That is not how you talk to me, Cecilia. I am your father."

"You haven't been my father since the day mom died." She spits right in his face, grabbing her jacket off the chair and shoving past him.

"Where are you going?" He calls after her.

"I have no idea, but far away from here." She yells as she bounds down the stairs.

"Are you leaving? I was hoping to get to know you." Robin is calmly sitting on the couch as she comes storming through the room.

"No need. You'll be gone by next month anyway." CiCi spits, throwing the garage door open and then slamming it behind her.

Throwing her things into the backseat of her car she climbs in, taking a deep breath to calm herself slightly before opening the garage and pulling out.

She wants to be anywhere but here.



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CiCi: get me the Fuck out of LA. ✌🏻

CiciCircle: omg! Someone spotted her at the Sydney airport about 18 hours after she posted this! Guess who else is in Sydney right now...? Hint: CALUM

"Your girlfriend followed you to Sydney?" Luke asks Calum across the space as they wait for their turn to sound check for the festival tomorrow.

"Girlfriend?" Calum frowns before his eyes go wide, "She did not!" He gasps.

"According to comments on her post from yesterday she was spotted at the airport here." Luke shrugs.

"According to TMZ also." Michael throws his arm over Calum's shoulders.

"She chased me here?" Calum gawks.

"Twitter is blowing the fuck up about it. Her following us to Sydney really puts a confirmation sticker on the whole CalCi relationship doesn't it." Michael sighs.

"Fuck!" Calum groans, "I knew I should have just bought a new necklace."

"What does CiCi have to do with your necklace?" Ashton asks with a frown.

"That's where it got lost..." Calum sighs, "I left it at her place on New Years. And I went to get it last week."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Ashton spins around, looking Calum dead in the eye. "You went to CiCi's house. Alone. To get a stupid necklace? And we knew nothing about it?"

"It wasn't just a stupid necklace when you were bitching at me for having lost it." Calum retorts defensively.

"Stupider than was worth you going over there alone."

"You liked her Instagram post a few days ago. Queen of heart or something was the caption. I saw your like on it, and she has referred to you as her king before." Luke suddenly doesn't look amused at all, actually he looks rather sick.

"I like a lot of things when I'm on Instagram. It's not often it happens." Calum rolls his eyes at his bandmates.

"So you're trying to convince us that you went to CiCi's house, alone, knocked on the door and asked oh so nicely to have your necklace back, and she gave it to you without question, and you left?" Ashton cocks an eyebrow at him.

"I'm not trying to convince you of anything. All I'm saying is my life, my choice, and maybe it was a wrong choice but it's the one I made then. I'll deal with it, and her. I never told her to follow me here."

"He fucked her again." Michael nods once.

"It wasn't like that, Mike." Calum sighs.

"Like what? Like your dick in her vagina?" Ashton scoffs quite candidly.

"She wasn't like CiCi that day. She was... human." Calum waves him off.

"She's always been a human, Calum." Michael shakes his head disappointedly.

"She was crying. Vulnerable. Human. Not like CiCi is all the time." He shrugs, "It was different."

"Whatever justification you want to use, you still fucked her again and whether she was having a bad day then or not, you played into the CiCi game. Her following you here is a consequence of that." Luke frowns at him. "This is not what is going to help you get out of her games. If anything you're fueling her fire, you gave her ammunition to use against you."

"You weren't there. You don't know what it was like. And you don't get to tell me what to do."

"I cannot believe I'm listening to you defend her." Ashton chuckles humorlessly.

"I'm not defending her. I'm telling you factually that it wasn't vindictive CiCi I was dealing with that day. And I'm a grown ass man. I can handle myself."

"Good luck with that one man. I hope she isn't waiting in the hotel lobby for you tonight. But I wouldn't put it past her." Luke sighs.

"I'm not playing her games."

"You are, Cal. And the worst part, you're so oblivious to the fact that you're playing it right into her hand." Ashton shakes his head as they are called up for their sound check.

CiCi fled to Sydney!

What drama will that cause??

Is Calum right to think what happened in her room won't come back to bite?

Vote and comment!

I love you guys!!!

~M =)

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