Chapter 9: Friendly Fire

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Becks moves to the door and waves the men back in. "Gentlemen, we appear to have a deal."

They all look greatly relieved. Jim winks at me as he sits down. Jamie studiously avoids my eyes. Della clears her throat and checks her notes. "Moving on, we need to finalize the schedule. Dakota has some firm commitments over the next few months that she'll need to respect and we'll need to ensure she can be in LA, Paris, and Argentina as required."

Scott's assistant, Brad pipes in, "Same for Scott."

Jamie turns to Chad and doesn't have to say a word before Chad antes in while typing on his tablet, "That won't be a problem. I'll take care of it."

Della continues, "And we need to discuss time off." She looks up and drills Jamie. "Time off is time off, not time for photo shoots and pap walks."

He's leaning back with his chin in is hand and one ankle crossed over a knee. He grins at her, "Fair enough, Della. That's not my style and I won't waste my artists time with that."

She snorts, but nods.

Brad pipes in, "Production meetings? How frequent?"

Ooo, good question. Wish I'd thought of that.

Jamie crosses his arms on the table. "Usually once a week, an hour a most. I lean toward the end of the shooting week so we can recap and also plan ahead. Everyone needs to be there, even if it's by phone."

Okay, I can handle that. Once a week. And I can emotionally gird myself for it.

Della speaks up one more time, "And we are going to need another bike. For Ted. Dakota will want to ride, and he will insist on going with her."

Jamie nods, "As he should." He turns again, "Chad?"

"Done, sir."

Jamie turns to Scott, "Are you bringing your own security or will studio security suffice?"

He smiles easily, "Thanks for the offer, Jamie, but I won't need security here."

I watch a glacial freeze cover Jamie's face. He nods sharply. "Fine. Be that as it may, but you will have security while filming on location. Belfast is very friendly, but when you, and especially Dakota, are exposed, we will wrap you in bubble wrap. Are we clear?"

Scott reads him perfectly and refrains from poking the bear. He gives him a slight smile. "Perfectly. Thank you for taking care of us."

Jamie doesn't respond, but spins to the other side of the table. "Foley? Anything to add?"

He leans forward to smile at both me and Scott and speaks to us quietly. "I've had the pleasure to work with Dakota, and I have learned to trust her instincts and give her a long leash. I also know her buttons and how to push or not push them as needed." I can't help but giggle at that. He turns to Scott, "Son, I've seen your work, and I'm impressed, which is why I called you. And God knows, you have great genes. Your Dad is an old friend and one of the best our industry has never seen. All I ask from you is to give me a little time to settle into a groove with you."

Scott gives him a sincere smile, "Sir, that is not a problem. I am honored and humbled to work with you. Even my Dad told me I was, and I quote, 'a lucky son of a bitch'." He turned a grin on me, "For many reasons." He looked back at Foley. "I'll give you 110%. You just tell me what you want and I'll do my best to deliver."


Oh my ever lovin' fuck! Is this guy for real? Too tough for security? Honored and humbled to work with Foley? Fucking flirting with my girl in front of all of us? And he can suck up with the best of them, I'll give him that. I make a mental note to get Chad to put a rush on his goddam background check. I hope to hell there is a current woman in there, but judging by his attention to Dakota, I think that is unlikely. Shit on a damn stick. We haven't even started and I can feel my ass starting to sweat.

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