Chapter 10: No Words Needed

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Chad sent me the pix from Dakota and Scott's photo shoot and I'm scanning through them and shaking my head. Before I can reach for my phone, Foley calls me. He's there with Chad.

"I know. I know. We purposefully took a break to give you and me a chance to look at these. And before you say it, I know. These aren't right."

I sigh and keep flipping through them, "They both look stunning and beautiful blah blah blah. But they don't look even remotely like a couple. This doesn't sell a love story. Not by a long shot. This sells a high school friendship that lasts for a lifetime."

He chuckles. "I told them and the photographer I was going to conference you in for a quick chat. You got time?"

I reach into the mini fridge under my desk and pull out a Guinness. "Yep. Let's do this."


Less than a minute later, there is a loud chirp and I know I'm on one of the teleconference lines. "Jamie? You've got the whole team here."

"Thanks to all of you. The first set of pictures were stunning. Dakota and Scott, you have both modeled and it shows. And I salute the photographer. There is not a bad shot in the bunch."

There is a pause and I hear the photographer ask, "Butttt?????"

I sigh and scrub my hands through my hair. "I don't think we have enough intimacy. This is a burning love story. These pictures, while great, looked like flirty high school sweethearts who never had sex."

Dakota pipes up at that, "But Taylor and Max don't have sex."

"You're right, but it doesn't mean they don't want to. It doesn't mean they don't fight the urge. I need images that convey a deep longing and desire. There needs to be sizzle with the sweet."

There is silence for a minute and I ask the photographer, "Do you have music? I know sometimes it helps to just turn something on and let the models interact freely. Dakota and Scott are both quite adept. Maybe now that we have some direction, we try that and see how it works? Team, are you okay with that approach?"

Scott's voice comes over the line. "That's a great suggestion, Jamie. We'll give that a go and see if the next round is closer to the mark."

Foley brings the call to a close. "We have the studio for 90 more minutes so let us get to it. I'll send you digitals in a bit."

"10-4. Thanks very much to all of you. I'm sure we'll get it right this time. You're all pros and I really appreciate your efforts. I know photo shoots are not the most fun part of our business."

The photographer laughs, "Hey! I resent that!" He claps his hands, "Okay, we're off to look sexy and intimate. Talk soon."

The line goes dead and I lean back wondering what the hell I just did. Be careful what you ask for and all that.....


We all make our way back into the studio and the photographer cues up some music. Ellie Goulding's "Love Me Like You Do" pipes through the speakers. I flip to Scott with a look of horror to find a matching one on his face. We both shout, "NO!" There is no way in hell I can listen to that and take sexy pictures with Scott.

The photographer turns it off and throws his hands up. "Fine. Do you have requests for the DJ?"

I pull out my phone and move to Scott and start scrolling. He points, "I like this one. It's fun and upbeat, but has a sexy vibe to it."

I nod in agreement. "Excellent. I agree. DJ, please cue up Niall Horan's "Nice to Meet Ya"." I keep scrolling and then land on one with a questioning look to his face.

He smiles and kisses my temple. "Perfect." He looks across the room, "And Taylor Swift's "Lover"."

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