Chapter 27: Damn Fine Day

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A/N: Thanks for joining us! Please make sure you haven't skipped any chapters. The way I am writing now, it goes from one chapter to the next without any transition. Because I am posting so quickly (please don't get used to it), I am noticing comments that suggest some are not seeing everything. And I want you to! While I didn't initially want to write it, I am totally loving this story and hope you are too!

I didn't go with Jamie to return the girls to London. He was going to stay for a few days to take care of some meetings, and I needed to spend some time Zooming with Lana to finalize our proposal. Plus, when he's gone, I know he appreciates it when I'm on the set. Dropping them off and saying goodbye was brutal. I got on my knees to hug both the girls, one in each arm as we all sobbed together. Jamie had a look of sheer desperation on his face as he wiped the moisture from his eyes. I stood and clung to him, my face in his neck, his in mine, while both girls clung to our legs. Jamie tries to pull it together and says, "Girls, we'll all be together again very soon. I promise."

I step back and give him a big kiss. "I love you." No other words needed. Then I bend down to kiss both girls on the head, "I love you too. Be good and call me whenever you want – just ask your Mum. She'll help you."

Thankfully, a VIP escort steps up to take the bags so Jamie can keep a hand on both girls. He hauls Elva onto his hip and takes Dulcie by the hand. His sad eyes meet mine and he leans in to kiss me one more time. "There's a hole in my heart already. I'll be back as soon as I can."

I smile through my tears and watch them turn and walk away. Elva had her head laying on his shoulder, but she looked up and gave me a sad wave, "Bye Koko. Love you."

I blew her a kiss and my heart shattered.


Lana and I finished our proposal and worked with Chad to schedule a meeting for our last day in Belfast. I'll be with Jamie, Chad, and Jim – and Lana will Zoom with us. We talked about flying her over, but decided it wasn't necessary. This is a slam dunk and we both know it.

I connected with Della to update her on my schedule and to enlist her help in getting my home ready for the girls, knowing they will be visiting soon. She was way too excited, "I've always wanted to be a Grandma!"

"Dell...." I caution her.

She snorts, "What? I don't have kids. You're my only hope."

I love this woman. "You know we're having the Sister Sister wrap party in San Francisco. Why don't you come up and join us? There's a 50/50 chance Clint Eastwood will be there."

"Back up a step. Clint Eastwood? Like 'You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky' Clint Eastwood? Why on earth would he be there?"

I tell her about Madison and Scott and she gushes. Then I tell her about Darla and she goes into Mama Bear mode. "Hell yes, I'm coming. There's nothing like a wrap party to make people lose their inhibitions. Want me to bring Ted?"

I laugh at that, "No, I'll be safe. Jamie is the one who has to worry, because I agree with you. She's been way too well behaved. Once the movie wraps, all bets are off."

Della snorts, "I'll cover his ass like white on rice."

I laugh hysterically now. "Don't tell him that. He gets very upset when that metaphor is mentioned."

"Fine. I'll be like green on beans."

I giggle. Okay. I can live with that. Secretly, I'll be glad to have her there. Della's instincts are always spot on and she has a way of getting things done in sticky situations.

I'm on set with Chad the next day and he hands me his phone as soon as I sit down. "Have you seen this yet?" I take it and see the picture, feeling my  eyes well up again. Someone captured the moment Jamie and I were hugging and the girls were hugging our legs. The caption read Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson - Family Goals.  

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