Chapter 11: Showing Hands

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We now have three more weeks under our belts and things are going well, very well actually. I get to see Dakota several times a week, albeit usually from a distance, but I take comfort in the fact that she at least waves at me when she sees me in my chair next to Foley. As expected, she and Scott are magic together. Their chemistry is off the charts and they seem to anticipate each other's moves and reactions. They talk in their own shorthand at points. Part of it makes me feel ill, but the other part of me is glad she is comfortable and happy and that they are working so well together. It doesn't hurt that Foley and my Dad constantly drop little hints that indicate they see nothing romantic brewing there. Chad is not as forthcoming other than to keep me apprised of her security. From what he tells me, I know Scott is not going to her house and she's not going to his – and that's enough for me.

The production meetings have also been going well. Everyone is on time, everyone contributes, and we are functioning well as a team. Today is a Tuesday, but it is the last day of filming this week since Dakota has to leave for Paris tomorrow and will be gone the rest of the week. It was one of her prior commitments we agreed to honor. Everyone starts filing in and Chad enters with a fresh coffee for me. I absently check my watch and notice Dakota and Scott are five minutes past time – and it's not like either of them to be late. Chad sits down next to me, "They'll be any minute, sir."

I hear a commotion in the hallway and turn to see Scott bust through the door with a laughing Dakota riding piggy back. I do nothing more than raise my brow. "Sorry to interrupt your playtime, but some of us are on a schedule."

Scott helps her slide off of him and quickly takes a seat, "Very sorry, boss. She lost her shoes." She snorts and plops down in the chair next to him and glares at him with a punch to the arm. "I didn't lose them; somebody HID my shoes." She grinned around the table pointing a finger, "Okay, who is the practical joker?"

Chad clears his throat and pulls her shoes out and sets them on the table in front of her. "Nobody hid them, Miss. You kicked them under the couch during that last game of Twister."

I see Dad out of the corner rubbing his face as he shakes his head. I sit back, cross my arms, and look to Foley. I can feel the vein in my head absolutely throbbing. The room has become suddenly quiet. "So, we have a Twister scene now?"

Chad bails him out, "No sir. It's a game they play on set during resetting breaks. Although sometimes they opt for Jenga or Heads Up." I spin to him with a frown and he reads my look correctly. Why didn't I know this? This is one of those things that he could have mentioned to me. "They play? During breaks? Isn't that why have trailers for them?"

Dad tries to save him, "They're just having a little fun, Jamie. They enjoy it. The crew enjoys it. It keeps the morale on the set very upbeat."

Foley piles on, "And it actually saves us time because they hardly ever leave the set. We are actually ahead on our schedule by nearly a day."

No idea why this is bothering me. They are staying in front of the entire crew, not to mention my Dad, and playing games. This is way better than them being in their trailers doing God knows what.

I turn to Chad. "Far be it from me to spoil the fun. Get them a Wii setup."

Dakota bounces in her chair and claps her hands. Dad looks to me with a slight nod. I give a little cough and take control again, "Moving on. We have a hard stop at 5, so let's get through the list."

The rest of the meeting passes without incident. "My last item," I turn to Chad, "Please make sure studio security as well as Ted are present at the meeting next week. We move to location shooting and I want to make sure we are as tight as a nun's ass on protection."

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