Chapter 39: We Do!

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I can't believe how fast the time has flown. We are down to four days before our wedding and I still can't believe how easy it has been. Maybe that's because we had so much support to do the heavy lifting. My only real tasks were to find the music, the photographer and dress the girls. I called Sam Taylor-Johnson and asked her to be our photographer. She took so many exceptional pictures of me and Jamie during the first movie, and I know she has a soft spot for us. She readily agreed and she and Aaron are going to come in the day before so they can shoot the rehearsal as well.

When it comes to music, I pulled the proverbial rabbit out of my hat. My daughters will be in heaven, as will I since I got my former New York neighbor and all-time favorite to agree to come in. You may have heard of her. Taylor Swift? Yeah, Taytay and Joe are coming to my wedding. That alone was enough to send Ted to Colorado a week early to ensure that security was locked down. This is a secret I'm keeping until she arrives. Everyone is going to freak.

Me, Mama, and Madison met with Marc to investigate head pieces and couldn't find the right one. Marc said to leave it in his hands and he'd find me something perfect. As for hair, Jamie specifically said no bun, and I wanted something a little 'more' than I wore in the movie. Marc did a practice style on me and I loved it. It was part up, part down with lots of body and soft curls. Mama and Madison cried, so I knew it was right. He also hand crafted my headpiece, which was a delicious concoction of rhinestones and white feathers. Elegant, but whimsical. We decided to make pink feather clips for the girls as well. They'll love them.

As for dresses for the girls, enter Grandma Tippi. She showed up at my house bearing shopping bags and a bright smile. She gave me a hug and a kiss and started pulling things out of the bags. "I had to guess at their sizes, but I think I got 'em right. All little girls love twirly dresses." She pulled out three matching pale pink satin dresses with a delicate lace overlay. Next she revealed the daintiest little pink lace gloves. "I don't know if they will wear them, but I thought they were precious." Next came adorable pink ballet flats with rhinestone bows on the toes.

I am truly speechless at this point, and the tears roll as I picture our girls decked out in Tippi Hedren couture – amazed at her generosity and investment in our day. "Grandma, this is amazing. I love everything and so will they. This is perfect. Absolutely perfect."

She opened one more bag. "And these will provide the finishing touch." She pulled out three matching chokers made of thin pink satin, with a WHAT THE FUCK diamond hanging from the middle?

"Those aren't real diamonds, are they?"

She looks at me like I just fell off the turnip truck. "Well of course they are. I'm wouldn't give my great-granddaughters fake gems. That's tacky, Dakota. I refuse to be tacky."

I cry harder and pull her in for a rocking hug. "Thank you. Thank you so much. I can't believe you did this. We're all so lucky to have you."

She smiles and caresses my cheek. "I'm the lucky one. You have been a joy to me from the day you were born and I'm so happy that you found your mate." She winks at me, "And a handsome one at that!"

Once again, we're all at the airport. Chad is headed to London to pick up the girls. Me, Jamie, Mary, Mama, Grandma, and Della are headed to Scott's. Madison is already there, in fact, she's been pretty much living there the last three months. Ted is there as well, collecting permits etc. to block roads and clear air space. We don't expect any interference, but we've learned you can never be too careful.

Jamie looks around the plane, "I'm in an estrogen bubble."

I giggle, "That's why we need some boys. Have you been coaching your fellas? Encouraging the male swimmers?"

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