Chapter 12: Bubble Wrap

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A/N: I hope you are even partially as entertained as I was when writing this.

The meeting with Lana went better than expected. She wrote us four optional scenes using four different songs that Chad was able to secure the rights to use – and all are off of Dakota's playlist, so I know she likes them. One Week by the Barenaked Ladies. I grin. I can totally see her busting out that chatterbox sequence. The next option was Happy by Pharrell Williams. I HAVE seen her bust that one out. She also wrote one around One Republic's Good Life. I really like that song, but I think we need want something with more energy because a big part of what we all reacted to was not just her singing, but her crazy dancing and acting out of the song. So I think I am going to take this one out of the running. Her last option was CeeLo Green's Forget You. Oh, so many possibilities with that one. I'll hand over three to Foley and Dakota and let them pick.

Once back home, I hop in the shower and wonder how Dakota's doing tonight. I'm sure Chad and Scott have their hands full. I make a mental note to check in with Ted in a bit. I towel off and pull on some sweatpants, then head to the kitchen for a nightcap. My phone buzzes and I smile when I see the text from Ted, "The baby is back in the crib."

I can't help but chuckle at that and respond to him immediately. "Thanks man. So, she survived?"

There is a pause. "She did, but let's just say Chad is calling her 'Dakota' now." I groan. Oh hell. That means throw up or snot. Poor Chad.

"And Scott?" I watch the bubbles anxiously as Ted texts a reply. "He kept her from hitting pavement and got her into the car without incident. He's very protective her." I nod and think to myself, good man. Then the gorilla stirs a little, "Is he still with her?"

"No, just me and Della."

I lean my head back, close my eyes, and sigh quietly in relief. "Thank you, Ted. The only reason I can sleep at night is knowing you are watching over her."

"Then rest easy, Jamie. I'm not going anywhere."


Sunlight hits my eyelids and I groan as I feel the bed dip. I squint open one eye half-way and see Della sitting there holding her hangover concoction. She doesn't force me to sit up, just waits for me to move. Then she gives me a lopsided grin, "Do you wanna talk about it?"

I groan some more as I pull the pillow over my head, praying for death. My answer is muffled, but she hears me. "God NO! Never!"

She chuckles and lifts the pillow off of my face. "Sit up, Buttercup. Drink this and you'll feel better." I take it and drink as she moves to my bathroom to start organizing my toiletry bag. "Chop chop, sweetheart. Chad will be here in ten minutes to pick up Zep, and we need to be in a car headed for the airport in 45 minutes."

I swing my legs off the side of the bed and groan some more. "Oh my God, Chad." I look to Della with a misery-filled face, "Dell, I can't face him."

She tuts at me. "You can and you will. Better today and in private than on Monday in front of Jamie and everybody else."

I stumble to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I hear the doorbell ring and as Della heads for the door, I pull on a robe and knot it. Taking a deep breath, I take slow steps out of the bedroom with my head low. I can't meet his eyes. I hear him greet Zeppelin excitedly, "Hey buddy! You ready to come have some fun with Uncle Chad?" I dare to sneak a peek at him and he smiles at me with nothing but kindness, "Good morning, Miss Dakota." That makes my tears start rolling and he does nothing more than hold his arms open.

I rush into them, "I'm so sorry, Chad. So very sorry. I'm not usually such a mess and I'm just sorry you had to deal with it."

He tips my chin up, "Not another word. We'll never speak of it again." He raises his eyebrows, "Fair enough?" I nod gratefully and he bends over to kiss my head, "And for the record, you were not a mess. You were an emotional woman."

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