Chapter 19: Meet the Parents

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A/N: Thanks to all of you for reading, following, voting for, and commenting on this story. Your support gives me the inspiration to continue. So thanks and big hugs all around!

I knock promptly at 8:00 a.m., holding flowers and her favorite coffee. She opens the door with a smile and holding a spatula. I can't help but grin when I see what she is wearing. She has a sexy side braid running over one shoulder, my black dress shirt cuffed up to her elbows, and the fuzzy booties I gave her. Without even looking, I'm sure she has on my briefs as well.

I nod at her feet, "Nice booties. Are your tootsies warm?"

She takes the flowers with a smile and motions me in. She sniffs the bouquet, "These are beautiful, thank you." She pulls down a vase and starts to fill it with water and tosses over her shoulder, "And my feet are quite toasty, thank you."

I snuggle in behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. I nuzzle into her neck, "Glad to hear it, love. We're going to work on keeping those feet warm." I squeeze her tighter, "No cold feet. No cold toes. No running from me."

She finishes arranging the flowers and pulls away gently to place them on the bar where two places are beautifully set. She grins to me, "Hungry?" She moves to her oven where I see bacon and pancakes cooking. She's holding back a little this morning. Time to put that shit to rest.

I turn her, pick her up by the waist and toss her on the counter, moving between her knees before she can catch a breath. I wrap both arms around her and pull her to me a little roughly as I mutter against her lips, "Starved." I kiss her senseless and am pleased to feel her wrap her legs around me.

She kisses me back without reservation, but eventually pulls back with a kiss to my nose. "Let's not burn our breakfast."

I let her pull away and give her one more gentle kiss. "How can I help?"

She nods to the fridge, "I have some fruit prepped. You can pull that out. And anything you want on your pancakes. Oh, and crack some eggs. I was going to make omelets to go with this."

I head to the fridge. "No need, love. Scrambled eggs will be great if okay with you?" She nods absently, and I continue, "Great, I'm on scrambled egg duty."

We finish cooking and enjoy a comfortable breakfast, chatting about everything and nothing. At one point, her phone rings with a ring tone from Mama Mia of all things, Does Your Mother Know. She looks to me, "That's Mama. Let me just tell her I'll call her back later."

I smile at her, "Take it, love. No worries."


I pick up, "Hey Mama. I'm a little busy. Can I call you back in a bit?"

"Sorry to disturb you, Coqui, but I just need 15 seconds. I wanted to invite you and Jamie to dinner tonight at my house. Stella will be here."

I frown a little, "How did you even know he's here?" I look to Jamie and see him smirk a little and yawn, for like the fifth time in five minutes.

She scoffs, "Honey, your Daddy knew the minute he touched down in LA. So, dinner?"

I sigh, "Oh my God, that's just creepy."

She chuckles, "No, that's just Daddy. So, dinner? I promise, nothing uncomfortable and to be honest, I just want to see you two together and make my own judgments."

I roll my eyes back in my head and look to Jamie with a raised eyebrow. "Are you up for dinner with Mama and Stella tonight?"

He doesn't even pause, bless him, just tilts his juice cup to me, "Of course, love."

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