Chapter 33: Tiptoes

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A/N: Having a hard time finding inspiration. Going to bring this to a close soon.

The LA event had much less drama, thanks to a missing Darla. I was sad that Mary stayed behind, traveling to Belfast to get a lay of the land in that office. Chad is cranky, so I can only guess that he is equally displeased that she is not with us.

Today I am headed to the studio to screen test with Chris and Henry. Henry and I have a 'fight' scene where Chris intervenes. Should be fun. I kind of wish our test was a more placid scene, but, this is the business. Never met the guy, but supposed to spit acid at him.

I am the last to arrive, of course, and Chris immediately hops up to give me a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Hey Beautiful! Good to see you!" I love him, such a good guy. "Good to be seen!"

I turn to Henry, who, I have to say, has absolutely mesmerizing eyes. He reaches out a hand with a smile, "So pleased to meet you, Dakota. And a belated congratulations on your engagement." Hope Chris tells Jamie about that, because I am quite sure he has Chris doing reconnaissance.

I take him in. He's huge. Only 6"1, but he is all muscle and it's evident. And Lord, the man is downright beautiful. My panties aren't melting, but I will admit that my mouth is watering. "Nice to meet you as well. I know I should comment on Superman, but I seriously loved The Tudors. You went from lovable, to hateable, to lovable again. And ultimately hateable. That's talent. It was such a great story."

He throws his head back and laughs, "Thanks! It was a challenging time. Those costumes were merciless. I promise in this movie to be aggravating, but mostly lovable."

And so it went. We read the scene. Part of it required him to lift me up to eye level – just with his hands on my upper arms. He popped me up like I weighed no more than a gnat. Damn. Then Chris intervened and broke up the encounter as the scene called for.

When Henry put me down, he rubbed my arms briskly, "I don't want to leave a mark on you." Could he be any sweeter? I don't want him for a minute, but this man, what a sweetheart. I mentally start running through my single friends. Who would meet the mark?


"How did it go?" Chris replies with a sigh. "It was good. Maybe too good. But I will say that he congratulated her on your engagement and made no inappropriate advances."

I slump in my chair, "Well, that sounds fine. What is your issue?"

"She likes him. She is charmed. The good news is that she is already thinking of potential partners for him."

"And him?"

"Honestly? Totally captivated by her. He's not a guy to poach, but if she is weak and available, he will be right there. Don't fuck it up."

My adrenaline spikes. "Thanks, man. I won't."


I am pleasantly surprised when Jamie shows up at the studio on a Friday. Henry and I had filmed a very emotional fight scene and were now breathing out that acid in play. We all decided that he can not play Twister because his arms and legs are just too damn long. But I also learned he can help me fly like Superman. And that is what is he is doing now. His bare feet are on my belly and his hands are gripping mine. "Up you go, Supergirl." He lets go of my hands slowly, "spread your arms and fly!"

He's so tall and his legs are so damn long that I feel a mile from the floor. But I also know I am safe. So I throw my arms out and giggle. And then I see Jamie coming in the door and my balance wobbles. I fall onto Henry's chest and he rolls me quicker than I can catch my breath, hauling me up and turning me to face Jamie. "Go to your guy."

I bobble over to him. "Did you see me fly? I can FLY!"

He wraps me up and hugs me, "I did, love. You were magnificent."

Henry approaches with his hands in his pockets. "She's been working on flying this week and it hasn't gone well. You got to see her masterpiece. I think she was waiting for you." He nods once with a smile and walks away.

My head spins and I look for Chris who is sitting in a chair off set. He simply shakes his head and moves his hand across his throat. I will call him later.

Once we're home, she is a bit aggressive, so I send her to the shower. "Baby, you smell like him. You need to get rid of that." While she's in the shower, I call Chris. "What do I need to know?"

"Honestly? Nothing. Both she and he are behaving well. Don't go caveman on him. He doesn't deserve it and she won't accept it."

He replies again, "We're heading to Atlanta for the last week. It's a long week. Maybe meet us at the end?"


Wow. Pro football players are HUGE! Simply HUGE, especially when in full pads. Henry and Chris both went caveman and held them off as I was stormed. I admit, I was grateful in the instant. These men are frightful. I know I'll never get past this unless I engage. I give a small smile and move forward, tucked strongly under Henry's arm. "Hi Guys."

The phones came out in symphony. I posed for many a selfie while Henry and Chris stayed close and kept hands on me. And then came the cheerleaders. Now it was my turn to protect Henry and Chris. What slut hussies. I spread my arms across them, "Ladies. Please show some respect and dignity." PR stepped in to handle the situation and I backed off, but a bouncing Barbie came directly to me.

"Hey! Congratulations on nabbing Jamie! I met him a few times in LA. What a great guy." She tosses her mane of blonde hair over her shoulder.

I cock my head, "How do you know Jamie?" My stomach pitches, because I already know the answer.

Stupid bitch she is, she holds out her hand for a shake, "I'm Desiree. I was a bartender in LA and a Laker cheerleader. I came here because I can cheer for two teams."

Of course she did. I scan her perfect head to perfect toe. Another companion. Damn, why couldn't they be awful? I have flight attendants, professional cheerleaders, and TV hosts to deal with. God, the mind boggles at who else might be in the wings. Am I up for this? Is our relationship up for this?

"Best of luck, Desiree!" I give her a pap wave and leave as quick as I can. I hop in the back of the Suburban to take me back to my apartment and I immediately text Jamie. "I met Desiree."

He's such an idiot, "Desiree?"

"Bartender. LA Cheerleader. Companion."

He sighs. "Yes. She was the other LA companion."

"I need details. I'm facing this woman every day for a week."

God. What to tell. "One blow job, one fuck."

"Thank you. Man slut. I hope you scrubbed. She's a total ho."

"Baby, I'm totally clean and scrubbed. All tests are clear. I'm yours. Totally and completely ."

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