Chapter 22: Buckle Up

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Later that evening, we're soaking in the hot tub, because my lady bits are still a little tender. We both shucked our towels as we got in, but we're sitting across from each other and he is rubbing my feet between sips of wine. I put my head back and sigh with contentment.

He breaks our silence, "I'm sorry Darla was such a bitch. Honestly, I've never seen her behave like that." He pauses, "What makes you think she's a predator? That's a really strong word."

I sit up straighter so I can meet his eyes. Time to school Mr. Dornan. "Women recognize it in another woman. Even Madison saw it. Jamie, any woman can be a bitch – that's about personality. A predator is about intention. Her intention is to bag you. Plain and simple. And I'm sure she has plenty of tricks up her sleeve."

He scoffs, "How can we be sure she wasn't just having a bad night? Maybe she was intimidated by you."

I smirk at him and swirl my hands lazily in the water. "Darla the Devil SHOULD be intimidated by me because I am on to her and I'm going to make sure you are too."

He snorts, but grins as he lifts a brow. "How are you going to do that?"

"Do you know who my father is?"

He holds up his hands in surrender, "Holy Mary Mother of God – don't sic him on me. I believe you."

I giggle at him and scoot over to crawl up on his lap, straddling him. I lay my hands on his shoulders, while his find their natural resting spot on my ass. "Daddy was quite the heart throb back in the day. Even now, he gets more than his fair share of female attention. He has often been the target of predators and he made sure I knew what to watch out for so I could keep myself safe and aware."

He frowns, "You've been a target?"

I throw my head back and laugh so hard I'm squeaking. "I'm a female in Hollywood – of course I've been a target!"

He stiffens under me and pulls me closer, "Anyone get to you?"

I love protective Jamie. "No, love. My Daddy taught me well. So did Mama and Grandma."

He takes a long sip of wine and I feel him relax, but only slightly. He nods, "Okay, so what do I do?"

I stroke his neck softly. "It's more a combination of what you do and what you DON'T do."

He nods and I continue. "Never accept a drink from her – even if it's in a can or a bottle."

He lifts a brow and I explain, "Drugs, Jamie. A roofie or a strong sedative could knock you out enough that she could do whatever she wants with your body. At a minimum, she could get some pretty incriminating pictures."

He blows out a breath, "Damn." He takes a slug of wine.

He's listening to me and I feel myself getting on a roll. "Be aware that any email, text, or social media post can be screen shot and saved and taken out of context later. Choose your words carefully and include others, like Chad or your Dad whenever possible. Phone calls can be recorded and edited. Just ask Kim Kardashian! Keep her on speaker and have someone in the room. Better yet, record them yourself, with her knowledge, and just tell her your attorney advises you to record all business calls."

I pause to take a sip of my wine and hold out my glass for a refill as he pours his own. "She'll get all cute with you and tell you it's not a business call giggle giggle. You need to be firm in your response and leave no grey lines – reminding her that ALL calls with her are business calls."

He nods and tips his glass to me to proceed. "This is just common sense, but avoid being alone with her at all costs. When you have to, be aware that you could be photographed or filmed, so keep your distance and avoid potentially compromising situations."

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