Chapter 17: Killer Karaoke

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A/N: Those of you who have read my other stories know that I love to use music to help tell the story. This chapter is loaded with music. Feel free to google any tunes mentioned. I cited the name and artist to help. I also included some brief lyric snapshots as well. I hope you enjoy!

Daddy was tight-lipped about the golf outing. All he would say is, "It was fine, Darlin'. No blood."

"What's your take, Daddy? What do you think?"

"I think you're a big girl and can make up your own mind."

I huff at him, "That's not exactly helpful, Daddy."

He grins, "Sure it is. This is a big damn deal and you need to make up your own mind, one way or the other, and then see it through. I'll support whatever decision you make. I'm not going to interfere unless I think your physical or emotional health are at risk."

"Will you stay the week and come to the wrap party on Saturday?"

"Tell you what, I'm heading to Scotland to golf, but I'll come back Saturday for the wrap party and then we can fly home together on Sunday. Sound good?"

I hug him hard, "Sounds perfect. Thank you. I need you there."

He pats my back as he returns my hug, "Actually, you don't, but I'll be there for you anyway."

I snort a little on him, "You know Chad will make you sing."

He sits back with an evil grin, "No problem, Poppett. I have a song in mind."

The next day, I got to face the other Dad. I took a deep breath and approached him with a bit of a shame-faced expression. "JimJim, I think I owe you an apology for my rude comments on Friday."

He laughed and pulled me into his arms, rocking me back and forth. "Sweet Lass, you most certainly do not. And might I just congratulate you on an impressive right swing." He kissed the top of my head and held me away from him, "And he deserved it. I hope you two can get past this because I've gotten used to having you around."

I hugged him hard and giggled as I turned to skip away, "Time to go hop in the sack and get up close and personal with Scott."

I heard him laugh over my shoulder, "I think that's my cue to leave now, love. See you tomorrow."

This is our last week of filming, and the bulk of the scenes are the more heavily intimate ones. It's never as sexy as it looks onscreen, but I have to say, it's no hardship to do this with Scott Eastwood. It's nothing like it was with Jamie, where it was hard for me to separate Christian and Ana from Jamie and Dakota. With Scott, we are always Taylor and Max and when we're done, we're done and there are no lingering glances or internal longing. That said, the man is fine and sexy as all hell.

Jamie has only popped into set twice this week. He hasn't approached me, but always gives me a wave and smile. He sent some lovely flowers to my house on Monday, their cheerful blooms greeted me as I came in. Della took delight in popping the card out of the holder and handing it to me, "For you, my lady."

I tilted my head and read the card, "I'm sorry. I will do better. Your Idiot."

I smirk and hand Della back the card as I head to my room for a shower, "Okay, he gets a point for that."

We are gathering Friday to start our final scene, and I'm grateful that we get to land on a light note. It's a fun scene. Nothing heavy, just tons of back and forth dialogue. When we finish, we wait to see if we have to shoot again, and then hear those magic words from Foley, "That's a wrap, people!"

There are cheers all around and he waves us into a huddle. He gives us a heartfelt and sentimental thank you that has many of us in tears. He ends with, "I trust you'll all be at the party tomorrow night with your significant others. It's time to celebrate and with Chad at the helm, I have no doubt it will be memorable."

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