Chapter 8: So it Begins Again

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I am positively giddy as I sit in my living room with Becks, Della, and Mama. "Oh, my God. I can NOT believe this day."

I had all three screen tests today. We read the 'first date' scene. Lots of fun banter and a kiss at the end, nothing too racy, but enough to see if there is a connection.

Holy Jesus. Connections. Chris Hemsworth. Dear Lord. The man is huge. I could hardly wrap my arms around him. But what a honey. I could definitely deal with that piece of loveliness.

Chris Evans was a delight and we had a blast. But kissing him was a little like kissing my brother.

And then there was Scott Eastwood. Oh my. What a sweetheart. I immediately connected with him. Since Jamie, he is the first person whose made me feel completely safe and protected. He's perfect. He's the one. And the kiss? Not too shabby. He can make your toes curl with the best of 'em.

Mama asks the $64,000 question. "So, who is it?"

I sigh and roll my eyes, "They were all great, Mama. Any one of them would be exceptional."

She says not a word and continues to drill me with her eyes. I finally cave, "Scott Eastwood."

Della groans and Mama jumps up and dances around. "Pay up, Dell! I won!"

I look back and forth between the two, "You bet on my leading man? How could you?"

Della smirked at me, "You had your fun, we had ours."

I stare at her, "Who did YOU bet on?"

She sips her wine. "Hemsworth."

I plop down beside Mama. "He is damn near perfect. I can't deny that." I tuck my legs under me and look up at her. "I felt a little suffocated. He's just so larger than life. He's a little scary to me."

Mama smiles and pats my leg, "I understand, baby girl." She chugs her wine, "But Lord, please tell me you'll file that kiss away for your fantasies."

Dell and Mama cackle helplessly and I can't help but join in, "Oh, it was one for the books. I'm definitely filing that away." I shake a little involuntarily. "I have no idea how his leading ladies do it. They are way better than me! I'd be a puddle after every scene."

Mama takes my hand, "So, Scott?"

I lean my head back on the couch. "Total sweetheart. Good actor, good timing, impossibly beautiful to look at. Those dimples, umph." I shake my head. "He is someone I could totally fall for in real life and that is why the chemistry works. He's strong, but gentle, you know? I felt safe, but sexy. I think that is the right mix." I pause a minute, "And there is absolutely no creep factor, you know? None. Nothing even remotely creepy. He's solid. I doubt it's my choice, but if it is, he is the one I'd pick."


I pick up my phone to hear Foley on the other end with no preamble. "What do you think? I have an opinion, but I want yours first."


"Agree. She was very comfortable with him. Hemsworth swooned her, but I feel she was a little intimidated by him."

I clicked buttons on my computer and watched snippets of her screen tests again. "Exactly. He overwhelmed her a little. But damn, that kiss." I pause and wipe the sweat off my brow.

"I know, but watch her face afterwards. She's flummoxed. She's a little timid. That's not our girl."

"Thank God. I'd kill him within a week."

He laughs, "Okay, so what was you take on Evans?"

I sigh, "Really good, and really film friendly. Beautiful couple doing beautiful things, but I didn't feel a thing. Maybe the fact he is a friend is a barrier. They looked like friends, not lovers."

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