Chapter 7: Flop Flipped!

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It was good to get back to work, and Vancouver is a perfect place to do it. It's a friendly place and people basically leave you alone. I even went on a few dates, about ten actually, but I didn't see anybody more than once. Nobody just 'did it' for me and I'm not up to trying to force a romance. Plus, I know Ted and Della were run ragged keeping a watchful eye on me, and Ted did, indeed, pull background checks on every potential date. It was very Christian Grey.

Speaking of Christian Grey, I still haven't heard from Jamie, and I'm okay with that. Every day is a little easier. I can sometimes get through a whole day without thinking of him. I skype with my therapist twice a week, and I'm feeling more centered. I allow myself to feel what I feel and I'm working to not judge myself or him.

I've been back in LA for about 6 months when my agent rings at my gate with a cheerful. "I have a Fed Ex for Miss Johnson that feels amazingly like a script!"

I chuckle at her cheekiness. "Well come on in, but you should know I don't have any tip money."

She laughs as the gate slides open, "That's okay. I know where you keep the wine."

I meet her at the door with a hug, "It's so good to see you." She hugs me back, "I know! I appreciate talking to you several times a week, but nothing replaces the face to face."

She hands me the box with a smirk. "Note the return address." Then she turns to my kitchen. "I'll get the wine and meet you on the patio."

I pull on my glasses and give a little gasp as I note it came from James Foley. Oh please, God, not another Fifty installment. I'd never survive another one. I retreat to the patio and sit Indian style on a lounger as I rip open the box. Zep hops up and watches expectantly like he knows this is something big.

My agent, Becks, returns with a glass of wine for each of us and sits in the chair next to me. "So, Foley. Rip faster, Dakota."

"Becks," I shake my head slowly as I pull a rubber banded sheaf of papers out, "So help me if it's a Fifty sequel, it's going straight in the trash."

She reaches over to take it from me. "Undeniable" she reads. "I think you're safe, nothing Fifty in the title." Then she reads the post-it note on the top, "Dakota, I read this script and saw nothing but you. This is your movie; it has your name all over it. It's yours if you want it. Give it a read and keep an open mind. Have Becks call my office with your decision. I'll need you to screen test simply so I can find a male lead with the right chemistry, but otherwise, we'll skip straight to contract negotiations. Please say yes. Nobody could do this like you."

I take a big sip of my wine and hold my hand out for the script. "Wow. That was really nice." I flip to the synopsis on the first page. Two actors. Undeniable chemistry. Undeniable love. Undeniable obstacles. But a true love won't be denied. Follow Taylor and Max on a tumultuous journey through love, heartbreak, forgiveness, and reconciliation.

The blood leaves my face and I drop the script heavily to my chair and cross my arms over my chest. "Well, he's right. It's my movie, only with an apparent happy ending." I look over to her with tears in my eyes, "I don't know if I can do this – live this pain again. It's a little too close to home."

She reaches over to pat my leg. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to. Give it a read and see what you think. Maybe talk with your therapist about it. I'll call Foley's office and tell him you're reading and we'll get an answer to him in a week."

"When you call, please find out who they are screening for the male lead." She reads my face and knows what I'm really saying is "Please make sure Jamie is not a part of this."

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